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These options are only available for "String" or "Range" facet field types when the facet type has not been set to "slider".

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The "Display Type" field dictates the way the list of facet values will be displayed. There are three different choices that will determine what fields you will need to define in order to configure the facet. (See Display Type Examples for sample images)


Default Display Type

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  1. The default display will list all options within a given facet. (See Display Type Examples for sample images)
  2. If the facet is a "string" type, you will then need to choose a Sorting order from the drop down menu.
    • Alphabetical- Alphanumeric values will be sorted alphabetically. In cases where the number is the leading value, custom sort orders may need to be put into place.
    • Count- This displays the filters in the facets based on the number of items in each filter from most to fewest (in cases where counts are equal, facets will display in alpha order).
    • Custom-This requires additional information that is synced with the Hawksearch Tech Team.
  3. If the facet type is not nested, you will need to determine the Max Number of Filters that will be displayed in a facet at any given time.

  4. Determine the minimum count of filters the facet must possess in order to be displayed as an option. If you enter one, the filters will display when there is one value populating the face, even if clicking on them will return no additional items.

  5. "Is Search Enabled" allows you to include a search field at the top of each facet that will search the filters within a given facet.

  6. When Search is enabled, you must also specify a search threshold that defines the number of products a filter must contain to be included in the search. The "Search Threshold" field will appear once you  enable Search and click anywhere on the screen.

  7. The "Expand Selection" option controls the way the facet is displayed after a selection within a facet has been made by a customer. When Expand Selection? is turned to "on" the filters within the selected filter will continue to display. When turned "off" the facet will truncate down to the one filter within the facet that has been selected.

  8. If the Facet is a "nested" type, you will have the option to Preload Children. This will give you the option to expand the list of children on the page without having to reload after clicking.


Truncating Display Type

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  1. Truncating facets only display a specified number of options within a facet and give the customer the option to expand the list by clicking the "Show More" link. (See Display Type Examples for sample images)
  2. If the facet is a "string" type, you will then need to choose a Sorting order from the drop down menu.
    • Alphabetical
    • Count Descending- This displays the filters in the facets based on the number of items in each filter from most to fewest (in cases where counts are equal, facets will display in alpha order).
    • Top Facets by Count & Alpha, then Alpha- Before expanding, the top number of filters based on count will display alphabetically. After expanding, the additional filters will display alphabetically.
    • Top Facets by Count & Alpha, then score- Before expanding, the top number of filters based on count will display alphabetically. After expanding, filters will display in count descending order.
    • Custom- This requires additional information that is synced with the Hawksearch Tech Team.
  3. Determine the Max Number of Filters that will be displayed in a facet at any given time.

  4. Determine the minimum number of filters that still contain items a facet must possess in order to be displayed as an option. If you enter one, the filters will display when there is one value populating the facet, even if clicking on them will return no additional items.

  5. "Truncate Threshold" allows you to define how many values should be displayed in the truncated facet before providing the option to "Show More".

  6. "Is Search Enabled" allows you to include a search field at the top of each facet that will search the filters within a given facet.

  7. When "Search" is enabled, you must also specify a search threshold that defines the number of products a filter must contain to be included in the search.

  8. The "Expand Selection?" option controls the way the facet is displayed after a selection within a facet has been made by a customer. When Expand Selection? is turned to "on" the filters within the selected will still display and allow the customer to make multiple selections within that facet. When turned "off" the facet will truncate down to the one filter within the facet that has been selected.

  9. If the Facet is a "Nested" type, you will have the option to Preload Children. This will give you the option to click and expand the list of children in nested facets without having to reload the page.


Scrolling Display Type

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  1. Scrolling facets will display a limited number of options within a filter, similar to truncated facets, but allow the user to scroll though the available options. (See Display Type Examples for sample images)
  2. If the facet field type is "string" you will then need to choose a Sorting order from the drop down menu.
    • Alphabetical
    • Count- This displays the filters in the facets based on the number of items in each filter from most to fewest (in cases where counts are equal, facets will display in alpha order).
  3. Determine the "Max Number of Filters" that will be displayed in a facet at any given time.

  4. Determine the minimum count of filters the facet must possess in order to be displayed as an option. If you enter one, the filters will display when there is one value populating the face, even if clicking on them will return no additional items. 

  5. When selecting a scrolling filter, you will need to define the dimension of the "Scroll Height".

  6. "Scroll Threshold" indicates the minimum item count a filter must have in order to be displayed.

  7. "Is Search Enabled" allows you to include a search field at the top of each facet that will search the filters within a given facet.

  8. When Search is enabled, you must also specify a search threshold that defines the number of products a filter must contain to be included in the search.

  9. The "Expand Selection" option controls the way the facet is displayed after a selection within a facet has been made by a customer. When "Expand Selection" is turned to "on" the filters within the selected will still display and allow the customer to make multiple selections within that facet. When turned "off" the facet will truncate down to the one filter within the facet that has been selected.


These options are only available when Facet Field Type is "Range" and Facet Type is "Slider".

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  1. "Is Currency" indicates that the range is a monetary amount.
  2. "Show inputs" displays fields on either side of the ranges that will allow a user to type in specific range values.
