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Autocomplete Trending Category Clicks
This report allows you to view the number of clicks on autocomplete trending categories.
Report show totals for a defined date range.
Navigating to the Autocomplete Trending Category Clicks
To navigate to the Autocomplete Trending Category Clicks, click on “Reports“ from the top navigation
Next, you can either select “Autocomplete Trending Category Clicks“ from the left navigation or select it from the Reports Home Page. Either link will take you to the Autocomplete Trending Category Clicks report page.
Customizing the Autocomplete Trending Category Clicks
Date Range: Select a date range of when to pull the data. There are several popular options included in the drop-down.
Last day
Last 3 days
Last Week
Last 4 Weeks
Last Month
Last Year
Other: Customized date range
Category Name: Select a category to see clicks data for that particular category.
Category Value: Enter a value to see clicks data for that particular value.
Additional Options
Refresh: Clicking the "Refresh" button will cause the display of the reports to change according to your newest specifications.
Export: To export the report to an excel document, click on the "Export" button.
Clear: The "Clear" button will delete any changes that you have made.
Understanding Your Report
Total Number of Clicks: The sum of the clicks in all the results that match the search criteria.
Pie Chart: The chart visually display the autocomplete trending categories in a circular graph. The size of each slice corresponds to the proprotion of the total clicks that a value in a category represnts.
Table: The table shows the number of times people clicked on a value in a certain category.
Category: Name of the category that the clicked value belongs to
Value: Name of the value that was clicked on
Clicks: Number of times the value is clicked in autocomplete
Results Included: Control how many autocomplete trending categories are displayed on one page by using the “Show“ pull down menu.