Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


What this essentially does is hide all documents which have the language value en-us whenever the English Visitor Target we created earlier isn’t met. When you chain those rules for each language, at the end you are left only with the documents for the language that was sent to Hawksearch via the widgets.

Facet visualization when using the multilingual functionality

  • Not relevant for the file export indexing.

Enabling the multilingual and reindexing the items, changes also the way the fields are named. Most of the fields receive a language suffix. The suffix is concatenated underscore (“_“) and the 4 letter (“en-us“) language culture code.

Example: contenttypename → contenttypename_en-us

title → title_ru-ru

Therefore, the association of fields to facets may need to be changed. If you need to visualize a facet with the content type then you will have to make as many facets as there are languages ​​selected (and for which there are items).
Example: if English, German and Russian are selected and there are items in these languages, when indexing these articles, the document fields will receive extensions in the respective language. Thus, the article in German will not have field contenttypename, but contenttypename_de-de, the article in English will have contenttypename_en-us, and so on.
Accordingly, there is no way to have one facet associated with the content field, because in this case we will not have such a field, and three other fields with suffixes (contenttypename_en-us, contenttypename_de-de, contenttypename_ru-ru).

Therefore, it is necessary to make 3 facets associated with the respective fields + language.
In this way we will not only see the facets correctly, but they will also be specific to the different languages. So if we don't have blogs in German, when selecting German Blogs won't appear as a facet, but if we do have in English, when selecting English they will be displayed as a selection option.


Be aware that when the multiligual option is enabled, the association of fields to facets may need to change.


  • Not relevant for the file export indexing.

It is important to mention that the fields are changed when documents are indexed in the multilingual context. And if any of the fields, different from “content“ and “title“, are marked as queryable then after indexing, these fields are changed (suffix added). So these new fields should also be marked in the Workbench as Queryable.