In this page you’ll find:
The purpose of this article is to show you how to extend the existing search results widget.
All components in the Vue.js framework are quite extendable and can be modified to handle custom layout, styles and behaviour. This is possible due to the built-in capability of the platform to attach templates as script tag and therefore supplying a dynamic structure of the presentation.
Configured Hawksearch widgets - Kentico: Working with widgets
Extending the templates
In order to override the default view file the Hawksearch search results widget uses you need to create a razor view file in your ASP .NET Core project at Views/Shared/Components/SearchResults/Default.cshtml.
In order to add additional templates, create corresponding view files under Views/Shared/Components/SearchResults/ . When displayed in the widget settings, they will be split by capital letters and words after the first will be lowercased. So a view file called “SearchResultsTemplateOne“ will be displayed like “Search results template one” in the widget settings.
The way the connector is designed it will automatically find the razor view files in that folder and use them. Below is the Default.cshtml code used.
@model Hawksearch.Kentico.Xperience.UI.Widgets.SearchResultsViewModel @{ var trackedEvents = new List<string>() { Model.ComponentViewModel.Properties.TrackBannerClickEvent ? "BannerClick" : "", Model.ComponentViewModel.Properties.TrackBannerImpressionEvent ? "BannerImpression" : "", Model.ComponentViewModel.Properties.TrackClickEvent ? "Click" : "", Model.ComponentViewModel.Properties.TrackPageLoadEvent ? "PageLoad" : "", Model.ComponentViewModel.Properties.TrackRecommendationClickEvent ? "RecommendationClick" : "" }; var eventsJson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(trackedEvents.Where(a => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(a))); var settingsJson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Model.ConnectorSettings); var language = Model.ConnectorSettings.MultilingualIndexingEnabled ? CMS.Localization.LocalizationContext.CurrentCulture.CultureCode : ""; } @if (Model.ConnectorSettings.FrontendFramework == Hawksearch.Kentico.Xperience.CMS.Configuration.FrontendFrameworkType.Vue) { <div class="vue-app-wrapper-ae hawk" data-indexname="@Model.ComponentViewModel.Properties.IndexName" data-language="@language" data-additionalparameters="@Model.ComponentViewModel.Properties.Data" data-trackedevents="@eventsJson" data-hawksearchsettings="@settingsJson" data-initialsearch="true"> <div class="hawk__body"> <facet-list></facet-list> <results></results> </div> </div> <script id="custom-result-item" type="x-template"> <div class="result-item"> <p class="result-item-title">{{ getField('title') }}</p> <p class="result-item-description">{{ getField('description') }}</p> </div> </script> } else { <div id="hawksearch-react-search-results" data-indexname="@Model.ComponentViewModel.Properties.IndexName" data-language="@language" data-additionalparameters="@Model.ComponentViewModel.Properties.Data" data-trackedevents="@eventsJson" data-hawksearchsettings="@settingsJson"> </div> }
If you want to modify the actual result item template (the one used to render each result item), you need to modify the html code inside the <script id=”custom-result-item”> element. It is important to note that the overall widget needs to be wrapped in a div element with the class “vue-app-wrapper-ae“ and to have the data attributes present as in the snippet above, otherwise functionality might not work as expected. Currently, the connector locates those divs in a page when initializing the Vue.js components.
Additional resources
If you’d like to use some additional components, please refer to the following pages:
Understanding the used Vue SDK - Creating widgets with Vue SDK