Proxy Extension Installation Guide

Proxy Extension Installation Guide

Installation: Please follow the below steps.

Composer Artifact type installation

  1. Create a new directory “modules” outside the magento application root (typically /var/www/magento). These instructions use /var/www/modules. Please adjust to your local environment.

  2. Place the attached “zip” files directly in the modules folder (do not unzip).

  3. In the magento application root, edit the “composer.json” file to add an “artifact” repository, or use the composer command:

    “composer config repositories.1 artifact ../modules/”

  4. the “repositories” section should look like: (see screenshot below)

    Please adjust based on your local configuration.

  5. With the above “artifact” repo and the 2 zip files in the  ../modules/ directory, issue the following composer commands:
    composer require hawksearch/datafeed
    composer require hawksearch/proxy
    composer install (optional)
    bin/magento setup:upgrade

  6. Continue with your standard deployment steps (production mode, multiserver, etc)

 Installation Complete.