Working with Hawksearch V4L

Working with Hawksearch V4L


This document will provide an insight of the good practices used for working on integrating the V4L version of the Hawksearch connector.


Setup Hawksearch V4L engine.

Working with the V4L Version

Creating Fields

When you are using the V4L version of Hawksearch you will have to manually create fields in the engine, as the connector does not create fields out of the box.

Creating the Data Feed

In the V4L version of the connector the index is created through the Hawksearch admin page (your-website-url/Sitefinity/Administration/hawksearchconfig). After you update the selected fields you should click the “Save settings” button. In order the export to be successful you should change the export folder from the Hawksearch settings.

Uploading the Data Feed

The index is uploaded manually to a folder which is set in export settings of the Hakwsearch engine, or through the FTP. You can set the FTP settings in the Hawksearch settings in Sitefinity’s advanced settings (your-website-url/Sitefinity/Administration/Settings/Advanced).