Updating the connector


This article provides information about the steps for updating the Hawksearch connector.


Installed Sitefinity connector -

Configured Connector -

Please note that the Hawksearch.Default.cshtml and HawksearchBox.Default.cshtml templates will be overridden. If you have any customizations, please, save them under a different name.

Steps to Update the Sitefinity Connector

  1. Open your project in Visual Studio as Administrator.

  2. Right-click on your Solution and select Manage NuGet Packages.

  3. Select the Installed tab and search for “Hawksearch”. You should see few NuGet options.

  4. Select the Hawksearch.Sitefinity NuGet.

  5. From the Version drop-down menu select the desired Hawksearch version.
    The first numbers show the version of Sitefinity and the last two the NuGet version.
    Example: 12.0.7000.35 → 12.0.7000 is the Sitefinity version and 35 is the NuGet version.

  6. Click on Update. A pop-up window should appear with a message that both Hawksearch NuGets will be updated (the Hawksearch.Sitefinity and the Hawksearch.NET.SDK) with the corresponding version. Click on “OK“.

  7. You’ll be asked if some of the files should be overridden, like the Hawksearch.Default.cshtml or the HawksearchBox.Default.cshtml.

  8. If there are any customizations of the templates in your project, please look at the differences and make the needed changes / corrections.

  9. Build the solution.

  10. Test if everything is working as expected.

Take a look at the release notes if there are any breaking changes in the public methods that may lead to changing your code and customizations.