Connector: Settings explained

Connector: Settings explained

In this article you will find:


This article contains descriptions of all of the Hawksearch configurations.

Overview of the Connector’s settings



Specifies which version of Hawksearch is supposed to be used.

Document size

Document Size Limit

Controls the maximum size in KB of the documents that can be indexed. The default value is 200KB and the maximum is 4000KB. If you wish to index larger documents a custom search service must be implemented.

Logging information

Enable Trace logging when Indexing

Specifies whether the index requests and responses should be logged in Sitefinity’s Trace log file.

Enable Trace logging when Searching

Specifies whether the search requests and responses should be logged in Sitefinity’s Trace log file.

Deferred index

Deferred Index Activation

Controls when index can be used from Hawksearch widgets. If checked, index will be used after reindexing is finished. If unchecked, the index will be used immediately. Index deletion will be deferred by the the amount of time provided in Delete Interval field.

Delete interval

Controls the interval for deleting the index In seconds. Used when creating delete scheduled tasks.


Enable Hawksearch Event tracking

Select whether the Hawksearch Event Tracking functionality should be enabled.

Provider configuration

Default provider

Specifies the default data provider. Can be accessed through the HawkManager class.

Export information


Used to display information in the Hawksearch admin page about the last time the delta export was used.


Used to display information in the Hawksearch admin page about the last time the full export was used.


Used to display information in the Hawksearch admin page about the duration of the last full export.


Used to display information in the Hawksearch admin page about the duration of the last delta export.


Specifies whether the last export was full or delta (empty if none of them was used).

Filter results

Filter by permissions

Choose if search results should be filtered by the permissions of the user when using the built-in Sitefinity search widgets.

Export directory for data files


Specifies the directory for the export of the files.



Specifies how often a full export should be executed – choose between none, daily and wekly


Specifies the day of the week on which the full export should be executed.


Specifies the time at which the full export should be executed


Specifies the time between each Delta export in minutes

Delta Lifetime Interval

Controls for how long removed delta items will be persisted in the database. Enter 0 if you don't want to delete the removed items.

Task keys


An ID used to mark scheduled full export tasks or deleting full export schedule. If there are more than 2 tasks with that ID further tasks will not be scheduled. The number of concurrent tasks can be modified through the QueuedExportTasksLimit setting.


An ID used to mark scheduled delta export tasks or deleting delta export schedule. If there are more than 2 tasks with that ID further tasks will not be scheduled. The number of concurrent tasks can be modified throught the QueuedExportTasksLimit setting.


Used to limit the number of concurrent export or delete tasks for full or delta export. Default value is 2

API keys and endpoints


The key used to identify against the Hawksearch engine when indexing. Used In the Initialization of the Hawksearch client.


The endpoint which exposes tracking information about user behavior e.g. what they click, how often etc.


Hawksearch endpoint at which requests with search input are sent when using the Hawksearch widgets in order to have autocomplete functionality. Used In the Initialization of the Hawksearch client.


When using the V4 version this setting contains the URL for the Hawksearch Indexing API

When using the V4L version it contains the name of the index for the corresponding engine

Used In the Initialization of the Hawksearch client.


The endpoint at which search request are sent when using the Hawksearch widgets

Used In the Initialization of the Hawksearch client.


The endpoint which exposes the Hawksearch Workbench

Used In the Initialization of the Hawksearch client.


The client Id used to Identify against the Hawksearch engine when making search requests

Used In the Initialization of the Hawksearch client.


The URL for the Hawksearch staging domain.


The URL for the Hawksearch production domain.

Run Rebuild on Server

Choose if Full or Delta export should trigger a rebuild on the Hawksearch engine.

Default value: True


Specifies whether we are in test mode or not in order to use the proper staging domain or production domain.



Used to identify the client username against the engine when using Windows authentication


Used to identify the client password against the engine when using Windows authentication


Used to specify the authorization header value. Endpoints marked with the [Authorize] attribute check whether the request contains the specified header and are declined if not

Additional configurations


Used to specify whether a rebuild of the index should be executed after the export of the files.


Specifies whether you should be forwarded to the detail page of the search result you have clicked on.

Publication Date Formatted

Used to specify whether this format [yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm] should be applied to the field Publication Date when getting Dynamic or Static type fields needed when accessing the index settings.


When using V4L, the field must contain - your-site-domain/hawk/search/index


Specifies which related data field should be rendered when indexing, you can choose between “guid”, “title” and “url-name”.

ListPageUrl [Obsolete]

Specifies the URL for listing the result

External domain configuration


Used to specify whether the export tasks should be ran on a particular domain.


Specifies the hostname where the export will to run.

Example: https://admin.mysite.com


Specifies the web request timeout in seconds when running the export tasks on the specified domain.


Specifies an identification key used to validate the user when the export should run on an external host.

FTP and SFTP configurations


Specifies whether the export files should be pushed over FTP or SFTP.


Specifies whether the files should be pushed over SFTP instead of FTP. Must be used in addition to the above configuration.

FTP Host

Specifies the FTP host when creating the FTPConnectionString and connecting to the FTP.


Specifies the SFTP port in the FTPConnectionString when transferring files over SFTP.


Specifies the FTP username when configuring the FTPConnectionString.

FTP Password

Specifies the FTP password when configuring the FTPConnectionString.

FTP Path

Specifies the file path on the FTP or SFTP host to place the exported files.

Related content

Connector: Applying Settings
Connector: Applying Settings
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