Event Tracking

The tracking part is mostly done client-side with a minor exception (Login tracking). More on tracking can be found in the official documentation:

In order to ease the client-side aspect of tracking, we provide a JavaScript file with all the methods mentioned in the Events Tracking API


The contents of the file:

class EventTracking { constructor(baseUrl, clientGuid, visitorId, visitId) { this.trackingEndpoint = "/api/trackevent"; this.baseUrl = baseUrl; this.clientGuid = clientGuid; this.visitorId = visitorId; this.visitId = visitId; } pageLoad(eventDataModel, customDictionary = null, trackingProperties = null) { var request = this.#buildRequest("PageLoad", eventDataModel, customDictionary, trackingProperties); this.#sendRequest(request); } pageLoadByType(pageTypeId, customDictionary = null, trackingProperties = null) { var eventDataModel = new Object(); eventDataModel.pageTypeId = pageTypeId; eventDataModel.qs = window.location.search; eventDataModel.requestParh = window.location.pathname; eventDataModel.ViewportHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight || 0, window.innerHeight || 0); eventDataModel.ViewportWidth = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth || 0, window.innerWidth || 0); var request = this.#buildRequest("PageLoad", eventDataModel, customDictionary, trackingProperties); this.#sendRequest(request); } addToCart(eventDataModel, customDictionary = null, trackingProperties = null) { var request = this.#buildRequest("Add2Cart", eventDataModel, customDictionary, trackingProperties); this.#sendRequest(request); } addToCartMultiple(eventDataModel, customDictionary = null, trackingProperties = null) { var request = this.#buildRequest("Add2CartMultiple", eventDataModel, customDictionary, trackingProperties); this.#sendRequest(request); } sale(eventDataModel, customDictionary = null, trackingProperties = null) { var request = this.#buildRequest("Sale", eventDataModel, customDictionary, trackingProperties); this.#sendRequest(request); } rate(eventDataModel, customDictionary = null, trackingProperties = null) { var request = this.#buildRequest("Rate", eventDataModel, customDictionary, trackingProperties); this.#sendRequest(request); } click(eventDataModel, customDictionary = null, trackingProperties = null) { var request = this.#buildRequest("Click", eventDataModel, customDictionary, trackingProperties); this.#sendRequest(request); } search(eventDataModel, customDictionary = null, trackingProperties = null) { var request = this.#buildRequest("Search", eventDataModel, customDictionary, trackingProperties); this.#sendRequest(request); } bannerClick(eventDataModel, customDictionary = null, trackingProperties = null) { var request = this.#buildRequest("BannerClick", eventDataModel, customDictionary, trackingProperties); this.#sendRequest(request); } bannerImpression(eventDataModel, customDictionary = null, trackingProperties = null) { var request = this.#buildRequest("BannerImpression", eventDataModel, customDictionary, trackingProperties); this.#sendRequest(request); } recommendationClick(eventDataModel, customDictionary = null, trackingProperties = null) { var request = this.#buildRequest("RecommendationClick", eventDataModel, customDictionary, trackingProperties); this.#sendRequest(request); } autocompleteClick(eventDataModel, customDictionary = null, trackingProperties = null) { var request = this.#buildRequest("AutocompleteClick", eventDataModel, customDictionary, trackingProperties); this.#sendRequest(request); } customEvent(eventName, eventDataModel, customDictionary = null, trackingProperties = null) { var request = this.#buildRequest(eventName, eventDataModel, customDictionary, trackingProperties); this.#sendRequest(request); } #buildRequest(eventType, eventData, customDictionary = null, trackingProperties = null) { var request = new Object(); request.clientGuid = this.clientGuid; request.eventType = eventType; request.eventData = btoa(JSON.stringify(eventData)); request.visitorId = this.visitorId; request.visitId = this.visitId; request.customDictionary = customDictionary; request.trackingProperties = trackingProperties; return request; } #sendRequest(request) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = this.baseUrl + this.trackingEndpoint; xhr.open("POST", url, true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); xhr.send(JSON.stringify(request)); } }


In order to use the client-side tracking:


  • PageLoad event type (script that executes when the page is loaded)

<script src="path/to/tracking.js"></script> <script> var baseUrl = 'https://tracking-dev.hawksearch.net'; // Your environment var clientGuid = 'B33A205A-A58E-4CED-93CF-69C2E2327646'; // Your API Client Guid var visitorId = 'B9A82E3F-5349-459E-AC73-8FCCD395E2C2'; // Visitor Id generated on your end (and perhaps stored in a cookie) var visitId = '6E169ACE-2C47-463B-A5BD-4B9B0B1F8BBD'; // Visit Id generated on your end (and perhaps stored in a cookie) var eventTracking = new EventTracking(baseUrl, clientGuid, visitorId, visitId); eventTracking.pageLoadByType('1'); </script>


  • Add2Cart event type (script that executes when the user makes an action → pressing the ‘Add To Cart’ button)

<script src="path/to/tracking.js"></script> <script> var eventTracking = new EventTracking(...); // call a similar function when the user clicks on the 'Add To Cart' button function trackAddToCart(item) { var eventData = new Object(); eventData.uniqueId = item.ItemId; eventData.price = item.AddedItemPrice; eventData.quantity = item.Quantity; eventData.currency = item.Currency; eventTracking.addToCart(eventData); } </script>

Login Tracking

The official Hawksearch documentation states that a server-to-server approach must be taken in the case of tracking login events (if applicable).
To make this kind of tracking possible, we created the LoginTrackingClient class. This class is a part of the Optimizely.Hawksearch.Client package and provides 2 methods:


To implement login tracking, inject a LoginTrackingClient instance in your class and use its methods in the code sequence responsible for your login operation. Example: