Visibility Rules

In this article you will find: 

Global Visibility Rules Video Tutorial

Conditional Visibility Rules Video Tutorial

Visibility Rules

Visibility Rules allow you to hide products based upon a defined set of search and/or navigation conditions. A product or group of products are selected using Visibility Rules, and then the trigger determining when these products should be hidden is defined. The products can removed at a global level or based on a set of conditions.
Common usages for the visibility rules:

  • Removing irrelevant products from search results.
  • Removing products without inventory.
  • Removing products based on a specific criteria.

Visibility Rules Administration Page

1) To navigate to the Visibility Rules Administration section, click on the "Workbench" tab in the top navigation.

 2) Next, select "Merchandising" from the left navigation. Clicking on this button will bring you to subcategories. Select "Visibility Rules".

 3) Global Visibility Rules are applied to all search results in the order listed on the Global Rules home page. All global rules apply; there is no option to stop the processing of rules in this section. To navigate to the Global Rules home page, click the Global Rules Icon or click on "Add/Edit Global Rules".

 4) Conditional Visibility Rules are applied to all search results in the order listed on the Conditional Rules home page. However, unlike Global Rules, Conditional Rules can be configured to end the processing of other rules once these conditions have been met. To navigate to the Conditional Rules home page, click the Conditional Rules Icon or click on "Add/Edit Global Rules".

Global Visibility Rules Administration Page

After some time, you may find that your list of global rules becomes long. There are various search filters that you can use in order to narrow the list and quickly find the relevant visibility rule. 


1) If you know a keyword or the name of the rule, type it into the "Name" field.

2) If you know any tags that have been assigned, type them into the "Tags" field

3) If you know the start or the end date, type in into the "Start Date" and/or "End Date" field. 

4) To search for rules based on their publishing status, choose a status from the "Status" dropdown.

5) Once you have entered the name, click on the "Search" button to generate results.

6) To edit a rule, click on the "pencil" icon. To copy a rule, click on the "paper" icon. To delete a rule, click on the "trash can" icon.

7) To change the order in which rules are applied, click on the double arrow next to the rule you would like to move and drag it to a new location on the list. The order in which the rules are listed corresponds to the order that the campaigns will be processed.

8) Hovering over the "?" icon will display the date the Visibility Rule was created and when it was last modified. The information icon provides you with the specific conditions the Visibility Rule follows.

9) Finally, if you would like to create a brand new rule, click on the "Add Rule" button.

Adding a Global Visibility Rule

Once you arrive on the "Add Global Rule" screen, you will be asked to enter in parameters that will identify and trigger the Global Visibility Rule.

1) First, enter the name or a description of the rule, making it as descriptive as possible in order to locate it quickly at a later date.

2) Next, specify the date range when the Visibility Rule will be valid by clicking on the calendars next to the date fields and selecting the applicable dates. If no date is specified, the rule will be effective until edited or deleted. An end date is not needed for a start date to work properly and vice versa. 

3) Add the tag(s) you would like to be associated with the Visibility Rule in the "Tags" field. 

4) Now, use the condition fields to specify the parameters that will determine which items to hide. First, determine if you want "ALL" conditions to be met in order for the rule to apply, or if it is enough that "ANY" one of the conditions be met. Select your choice from the drop-down.

5) Then, select the type of condition you would like to use from the drop down menu. You will be able to choose from a variety of facets and fields. 

6) Next, choose a corresponding operator from the drop down menu that will determine how the condition should be treated. 

7) Finally, select a value for the condition by typing in the applicable word(s).

8) To add additional sub-conditions to your first rule (such as another keyword), click the arrow located to the right of the condition fields. You may delete conditions or sub-conditions by clicking the minus sign to the right of the conditions.

9) To add an additional, independent condition, click the "Add Condition" button in the lower left-hand corner.

10) When you have finished adding all of your conditions, click on the "Calculate & Show Matches" button to preview which items will be affected by the new rule.

11) After you have reviewed and made all your selections, click on "Save".

Confirming the Addition of the Global Visibility Rule

After you save the rule, you should now be able to confirm it on the Global Visibility Rules Administration page. 

Conditional Visibility Rules Administration Page

There are various search filters that you can use in order to narrow the list and quickly find the relevant visibility rule.

1) If you know a keyword or the name of the rule, type it into the "Name" field.

2) If you would like to view a list of all rules that stop additional rules processing, select "Yes" from the "Is Last" drop-down. To view a list of rules that allow processing to continue, select "No" from the "Is Last" drop-down.

3) If you know the start or the end date, type it in into the "Start Date" and/or "End Date" field.

4) If you know any tags that have been assigned to the rule, type them into the "Tags" field.

5) To search for rules based on their publishing status, choose a status from the "Status" dropdown.

6) Once you have entered information into one or more of these fields, click on the "Search" button to generate results.

7) To edit a rule, click on the pencil icon. To copy a rule, click on the paper icon. To delete a rule, click on the trash can icon.

8) To change the order in which rules are applied, click on the double arrow next to the rule you would like to move and drag it to a new location on the list.

9) Hovering over the "?" icon will display the date the Visibility Rule was created and when it was last modified. The information icons provide you with what specific conditions the Visibility Rule follows.

10) Finally, if you would like to create a brand new rule, click on the "Add Rule" button.

Adding Conditional Visibility Rule

Once you arrive on the "Add Visibility Rule" screen, you will be asked to enter in parameters that will identify and trigger the search visibility rule.
1) First, enter the name of the rule, making it as descriptive as possible in order to locate it quickly at a later date.

2) Next, specify the date range when the visibility rule will be valid by clicking on the calendars next to the date fields and selecting the applicable dates. If no dates are selected, the rule will remain in effect until it is edited or deleted.

3) Now, add any tag(s) in the "Tags" field in order to recall the Visibility Rule at a later time. Once you complete these two basic fields, you will need to use the condition fields to specify what parameters will hide specific items.

4) First, determine if you want "ALL" conditions to be met in order for the rule to apply, or if it is enough that "ANY" one of the conditions be met. Select your choice from the drop-down.

5) Then, select the type of condition you would like to use from the drop down menu. You will be able to choose from a variety of facets and fields.

6) Next, choose a corresponding Operator from the drop down menu that will determine how the condition should be treated.

7) Finally, select a value for the condition by typing in the applicable word(s).

8) To add additional sub-conditions to your first rule (such as another keyword), click the arrow located to the right of the condition fields. You may delete conditions or sub-conditions by clicking the minus sign to the right of the conditions.

9) To add an additional, independent condition, click the "Add Condition" button in the lower left-hand corner.10) When you have finished adding all of your conditions, click on the "Calculate & Show Matches" button to preview which items will be affected by the new rule.

Setting up a Hide Trigger

In addition to setting up parameters, you also have the ability to stop further rules processing using the Hide Trigger. 

1) Decide whether you would like to "Stop Further Rules Processing" by turning the toggle "ON" or "OFF". When switched to "ON", any rules listed below the new rule on the Administration page will no longer apply once this rule is processed.

2) Now, use the condition fields to specify what parameters will trigger this rule. First, determine if you want "ALL" conditions to be met in order for the rule to apply, or if it is enough that "ANY" one of the conditions be met. Select your choice from the drop-down.

3) Then, select the type of condition you would like to use from the drop down menu. You will be able to choose from a variety of facets and fields.

4) Next, choose a corresponding operator from the drop down menu that will determine how the condition should be treated.

5) Finally, select a value for the condition by typing in the applicable word(s).

6) To add additional sub-conditions to your first rule, click the arrow located to the right of the condition fields. You may delete conditions or sub-conditions by clicking the minus sign to the right of the conditions.

7) To add an additional, independent condition, click the "Add Condition" button in the lower left-hand corner.

8) After you have completed the configuration of your trigger, click "Save."

Confirming the Addition of the Conditional Visibility Rule

After you save the rule, you will now be able to confirm it on the Conditional Visibility Rules Administration page.