My Data & Hawksearch

Here are concepts that Hawksearch uses in the data that is indexed. What attributes should be indexed?


Products and/or content can be indexed in Hawksearch. Content records can be articles, documents, pages, blog posts, etc. Here are some examples of sites that have products and pages indexed. You can see both are returned in the search results, separated by tabs:



Records - whether they are products or content - will have attributes that belong to the records. When considering what attributes need to be indexed, think beyond what is needed for matching on a search. Fields that will be used for sorting results, fields that are used to display the search results, and fields that will be used as facets (a.k.a. filters) should be included. In addition, if there are fields that will trigger other functionality, they should be included. For example, if items with an inventory of 0 need to be at the bottom of the search results, the inventory field will need to be included in the Hawksearch index.

Some common attributes:

  • Title/Name

  • Image URL

  • Detail Page URL

  • SKU

  • Price

  • Rating

  • Category

  • Color

  • Brand

  • Author

  • Topic


Product Variants

If there are parent and child products indexed, the default behavior of Hawksearch is to roll up the child products, and their attributes, and display the parent product. If there are multiple variations of a product, but no “parent” product, please have a conversation with your Hawksearch representative to find out the approach that will work for your implementation.


For details on data operations, refer to: