Featured Items Content Component


The Custom Content component renders a custom list of search results (typically products) defined as Spotlights in Hawksearch.

This is commonly used to display products when a query returns no results.


The selector for this component is <hawksearch-featured-items-content>.

Data Model

The following data model is exposed to the Handlebars template:

Default Template

<div class="row featured-items-content"> {{#each items}} {{#if (or (eq @root.zone "Top") (eq @root.zone "Top2") (eq @root.zone "Bottom") (eq @root.zone "Bottom2"))}} {{#if (eq type "content")}} <div class="column column--12"> <hawksearch-featured-items-content-item></hawksearch-featured-items-content-item> </div> {{else}} <div class="column column--12 column-sm--6 column-lg--4"> <hawksearch-featured-items-content-item></hawksearch-featured-items-content-item> </div> {{/if}} {{else}} <hawksearch-featured-items-content-item></hawksearch-featured-items-content-item> {{/if}} {{/each}} </div>