The 1. Install the latest version of the package:


Publish the store from experience builder

If 2. Perform the following if you are hosting the product images outside the Org: 1. External Images Source base URL should be allowed:

  • Go to Experience Builder (When you are configuring your store)

  • Goto Settings -> Security

  • Set 'Security Level' to “Relaxed CSP: Permit Access to Inline Scripts and Allowed Host”

  • Under Trusted Sites For Scripts add the base URL for your product images

  • Publish the changes

23. Custom Search Page Creation:

  • Go to Experience Builder (Again when you are configuring your B2B CC store)

  • On the top bar on the left side click the gear where it says Home to open Pages List

  • On the bottom click '+ Next Page'

  • Follow the instructions and create a page with name 'HWSSearch'

  • From the same drop-down select the page and drag the custom "hwsSearchMainComponent"

  • Publish the changes

  • Now when searching in the HWS Search Component - you will get redirected to this custom page

4. On Salesforce B2B setup without prior Hawksearch integration:

1A. Create Named Credentials:
Go to Setup → Named Credentials → New Named Credential and create a Named Credential with below details:









 URL for Hawksearch Search API


 Identity Type 

 Named Principle


 Authentication Protocol 

 Password Authentication






 {Hawksearch Search API Key}


 Generate Authorization Header 



 Allow Merge Fields in HTTP Header 



 Allow Merge Fields in HTTP Body 


2 B. Create Custom Metadata records:

Go to Setup → Custom Metadata Type → New Custom Metadata Type
Create a new Custom Metadata Type with Label Hawksearch Credential

Following are its fields:

  • DatabaseNo Number(18, 0) (Required)

  • EngineName Text(255) (Required)

  • TrackingKey Text(255) (Required)

  • BaseImageUrl URL (Required) - This is the base URL for product images

  • After adding the fields click 'Manage Hawksearch Credentials' and create a new record with the appropriate values

3C. Add Static Resources:

Go to Setup -> Static Resources -> New

  • Name: HawksearchResources

  • File: Choose a .zip with a static resource (there should be now base folder - directly /img /js etc.)

  • Cache-Control: Public

4D. User permissions and adding the Customer Community Plus License:
