The 1. Install the latest version of the package:
Publish the store from experience builder
If 2. Perform the following if you are hosting the product images outside the Org: 1. External Images Source base URL should be allowed:
Go to Experience Builder (When you are configuring your store)
Goto Settings -> → Security
Set 'Security Level' to “Relaxed CSP: Permit Access to Inline Scripts and Allowed Host”
Under Trusted Sites For Scripts add the base URL for your product images
Publish the changes
23. Custom Search Page Creation:
Go to Experience Builder (Again when you are configuring your B2B CC store)
On the top bar on the left side click the gear where it says Home to open Pages List
On the bottom click '+ Next Page'
Follow the instructions and create a page with name 'HWSSearch'
From the same drop-down select the page and drag the custom "hwsSearchMainComponent"
Publish the changes
Now when searching in the HWS Search Component - you will get redirected to this custom page
4. On Salesforce B2B setup without prior Hawksearch integration:
1A. Create Named Credentials:
Go to Setup → Named Credentials → New Named Credential and create a Named Credential with below details:
1 | Label | HawksearchSearchAPI |
2 | Name | HawksearchSearchAPI |
3 | URL | URL for Hawksearch Search API |
4 | Identity Type | Named Principle |
5 | Authentication Protocol | Password Authentication |
6 | Username | 'username' |
7 | Password | {Hawksearch Search API Key} |
8 | Generate Authorization Header | False |
9 | Allow Merge Fields in HTTP Header | true |
10 | Allow Merge Fields in HTTP Body | true |
2 B. Create Custom Metadata records:
Go to Setup → Custom Metadata Type → New Custom Metadata Type
Create a new Custom Metadata Type with Label Hawksearch Credential
Following are its fields:
DatabaseNo Number(18, 0) (Required)
EngineName Text(255) (Required)
TrackingKey Text(255) (Required)
BaseImageUrl URL (Required) - This is the base URL for product images
After adding the fields click 'Manage Hawksearch Credentials' and create a new record with the appropriate values
3C. Add Static Resources:
Go to Setup -> Static Resources -> New
Name: HawksearchResources
File: Choose a .zip with a static resource (there should be now base folder - directly /img /js etc.)
Cache-Control: Public
4D. User permissions and adding the Customer Community Plus License: