
Supported Sitefinity versions: 10.2.6600; 11.0.6700; 12.0.7000; 2.2.7200; 13.0.7300; 13.1.7400

Location: http://nuget.idevdesign.net/nuget

Released on: September 30th, 2020


Important: The V4 mode of the connector can be used only with an instance of the Hawksearch V4 version. Please use the V4L mode of the connector for existing sites integrated with Hawksearch V4L version.

Release notes

  • Hawksearch V4

    • What’s new:

      • Ability to filter search results based on Sitefinity permissions

      • [Vue] Implementaiton of the Rating facet

      • [Vue] Adding extensibility point allowing to modify the Tabs template

    • What’s fixed:

      • Hawksearch results widget does not work correctly on a page based on web forms

      • Images are indexed as "Model" instead of generating the url of the imageHardcoded url is concatinated on top of the HawkSearchSearchingAPI

      • Autocomplete shows items from the current index although other index is configured to be used

      • No error message when user tries to delete current index

      • [React] [Vue] Add scroll to facet lists

      • [VUE] Autocomplete does not timeout

      • [VUE] Not working in IE11

      • [VUE] Searchbox redirect not working

      • [Vue] Remove tabs from facet rail

      • [Vue] Auto-select of the first tab facet

      • [Vue] Facet config not working when Searchbox and Searchresults are on the same page

      • [Vue] The Clear button of “Search within“ is not working

  • Hawksearch V4L:

    • What’s new:

      • Loader indicator added to indicate whether “Full Export“ or “Delta Export“ is running.

      • Conformation prompts added for "Save Changes", "Run Export", "Run Delta Export", "Update" index mapping button and “Delete“ index buttons

    • What’s fixed:

      • Styling improvements in the Hawksearch Admin screen

      • "Index Mappings" and "Hawksearch Indexes" urls should redirect to Hawksearch admin if V4L version of the connector is used