SEO Traffic Builder

In this article you will find:

SEO Traffic Builder

The SEO Traffic Builder feature is designed to strategically create an automated and expansive sitemap that represents relevant Landing Pages that expose your long-tail keywords. It scans your live Hawksearch engine for active Landing Pages and specified facet combinations to generate this sitemap.

Navigating to the SEO Traffic Builder Administration Page

1) To navigate to the SEO Traffic Builder Administration page, click on "Workbench" from the top navigation.

2) Next, select "SEO Traffic Builder" from the left navigation. This link will take you to the SEO Traffic Builder Administration home page.

Engine Configuration

1) The "Schedule" day and time indicates when the sitemap is scheduled to regenerate.

2) This is not editable sitemap file name.

3) To view the last generated sitemap, click on the link to download the zip file. The sitemap is generated in a google format, XML.

To generate a new sitemap immediately, click on the 'Generate now' button.

Sitemap Settings

This section allows you to apply specific setting that will take an affect in the way the sitemap file is generated:

1) The 'Priority' assigns a level of importance with a numeric value for a pages which indicates to search engines how critical some pages are within your site. This setting will affect all the sitemap pages.

2) After reaching a 'Number of links per file', a new partial sitemap file will be created.

3) 'Use file compression?' This flag enabled will generate a zip file.

Facets Followed by Spiders

This section allows you to specify which facets should be crawled by spiders. You are able to choose which facets will be included in the sitemap. If none are selected, no facets will be crawled. SEO Traffic Builder uses landing pages as a starting point and then automatically generates combinations of facets that will be added to the site map.

1) Start by selecting the facets you wish to include in the sitemap by typing in the name of the existing facet or selecting directly from the drop down menu.

2) Click the "Add" button and you should see the facet appear in the list under the drop down. Note that all included facets will automatically be indexed by themselves as well as in combination pairs with each other. In the example above the following combinations would be indexed: Brand, Department, Color, Brand & Department, Department & Color, and Brand & Color. The feature will automatically scan for duplicate content and remove any duplicate values resulting from the combinations.

3) In cases when the facet is nested, you are given the option to specify the depth of the hierarchy you would like to be included in the sitemap by making a selection from the drop-down menu. "1" represents the top level in the hierarchy.

4) The "Example Canonical Link" demonstrates how the URL will be configured. To change the order in which the facets are displayed in the URL, click the "double arrow" icon and drag the facet to a new position in the list.

Click here to get more details about this section SEO Traffic Builder - Limit Facet Values Number per Facet

Popular Searches 

To change any advanced configurations of Popular Searches, click on the link or navigate to the "Autocomplete Top Queries Administration" page. The feature will scan for and remove duplicate content. 

1) To enable popular searches to be included in the sitemap, switch the toggle to "ON".

2) Next, determine how many search terms you want to include.

3) Now, determine the date range you wish to pull popular search terms from.

4) Here you are able to view the top 50 Matching Keywords. To view or export the complete list, you can navigate or use the link for the "Keyword List Summary Report".

Advanced Configuration

1) The feature will automatically include combinations of two of all of the facets you have selected to index. However, if you wish to include an additional combination of more than two facets, you can dictate that here. For example, Brand, Department AND color. Separate facets with commas and enter each combination on a separate line by clicking the "Add" button. You will only be able to include facets in combinations that have been added to be "followed by spiders" list.

2) Similarly, you are able to exclude any facet combinations that you would like to be removed from the sitemap. This goes for single facets, as well as the automatically generated pairs. Separate facets with commas and enter each combination on a separate line by clicking the "add" button. Keep in mind that the engine will automatically scan for and remove duplicate content in combinations.

3) Any additional custom URLs can be added to the sitemap by entering them in this box. Again, be sure to add all URLs on separate lines.

4) Finally, click on "Save" to store all changes you have made.

Advanced Landing Pages Configuration

This section is available for clients that uses at least Hawksearch v4.0 template

Click here to get more details Advanced Landing Pages Configuration