Hawksearch V4.0 API
This document defines the available API methods and objects available for Hawksearch v4.0
API Details
Please follow these links for the details of the API
By default, the API provides only JSON output, however if you are looking to accelerate development, we have these UI SDKs available that consume the JSON thereby allowing you to quick start development and build out components faster.
HTTP Status Codes
200 – OK
Will be returned when the request was received, was understood, and is being processed.
400 – BadRequest
Will be returned when the input format is invalid.
403 – AccessForbidden
Will be returned when X-HawkSearch-ApiKey in the header is missing or incorrect.
500 – Error
Any unexpected error occurs.
End-Point Version
Note that some endpoints may contain /v2/ in their url which is the end point version and not to be confused with the HawkSearch version 4.0.
Example, if your engine version is Hawksearch v4.0, then both api/v2/indexing/create and api/indexing/create are applicable to Hawksearch v4.0 only. None of these methods are available for Hawksearch v2.0L-v4.0L engines.