Hawksearch v4.0 - Search API
Stephanie Brudvik (Unlicensed)
Joyce Chu
Arpit Sharma (Unlicensed)
Search API Methods
Search V2
The 2nd version of search method was extended
The second version of the search method has been modified, mainly in the returned object area. The core change is the way the hierarchical facet values are presented in a way corresponding to his purpose (hierarchy).
This part of documentation describes version 2 and version 1 key differences only - please check first version of search section below for full description.
Endpoint | Method | Header Key |
Endpoint | Method | Header Key |
api/v2/search | POST | Content-Type: application/json |
X-HawkSearch-IgnoreTracking: true/false |
* X-HawkSearch-IgnoreTracking key disables tracking in this instance. The value is set to false by default
Name | Data Type | Required | Description | Source or Admin Section |
Name | Data Type | Required | Description | Source or Admin Section | |
ClientGuid | string | required | API Client Guid | Tracking Key found in Admin > Account Info | |
Keyword | string | optional | Search term entered by a user. If keyword is not included, all items configured to be returned will be returned. When this parameter is populated, the results will be matched against this term by the search engine. | Entered by the user. | |
IndexName | string | optional | The name of the index against which the search must be performed | When the index was created, the IndexName was returned in the response from the Create method or the GetCurrentIndex method. This is also available on the Preview tab in dashboard. | |
CustomUrl | string | optional | Landing page Custom URL. When this parameter is populated, the resulting response will be determined by the configuration of the corresponding Landing Page. | This matches the Custom URL field within a Landing Page. Can be found Workbench > Merchandising > Landing Pages Keyword and CustomURL should never be passed in the same request. | |
PageNo | number | optional | Page number of results to return. If no PageNo value is sent, the default is that the first page of results will be returned. Reporting is impacted by sending the PageNo parameter, so it should not be passed for the first page unless the user is navigating back to the first page after visiting another page of results. | Valid values are configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination | |
MaxPerPage | number | optional | Maximum number of items to be returned on a page. This value needs to be one of the values configured within the Sorting/Pagination section of the Workbench. If no MaxPerPage value is sent, the default value from the Workbench will be used. The default can vary depending on the pagination set triggered. Entering 0 in the request will return only facets, no documents. See example | Valid values are configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination | |
SortBy | string | optional | The SortBy value corresponds with the Sorting configuration in the Hawksearch Workbench. This value needs to be one of the values configured within the Sorting/Pagination section of the Workbench. If no SortBy value is sent, the default value from the Workbench will be used. The default can vary depending on the sorting set triggered. | Valid values are configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination | |
SortingSetCode | string | optional | SortingSetCode can be used to specify a particular sorting set that should be used for the results. If not passed, the engine will evaluate the rules for each sorting set and pick the first applicable one. | Valid values are configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination > Sorting Code | |
PaginationSetCode | string | optional | PaginationSetCode can be used to specify a particular pagination set that should be used for the results. If not passed, the engine will evaluate the rules for each pagination set and pick the first applicable one. | Valid values are configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination > Pagination Code | |
SearchWithin | string | optional | SearchWithin should be populated if the user has applied a Search Within filter to the results. This functionality needs to be configured in the Hawksearch Workbench in order for it to work. | Workbench > Data Configuration > Facets | |
FacetSelections | Dictionary <string, object[]> | optional | This is the dictionary of key-value pairs where the key is the name of the facet. The value is the array of values for the selection. | The names and values of facets can be taken from the response from a previous calling of the search method. The name can be found in value of the Field object, unless ParamName is set, then use ParamName. The value can be found in the value of the Value object (within the Values object). Examples can be seen in Example 1.2 below. | |
FacetOverride | string array | optional | An array of facet names that should be returned in the response. If provided, only the facets listed will be returned. If no FacetOverride value is sent, the Workbench configuration will be used to determine and send appropriate facets based on the result set. If there is a Display Rules on facets will still be evaluated for facets set in FacetOverride. This means that the facet will not be returned, even if set in FacetOverride, if the Display Rule condition is not met. The Is Visible flag on facets will be honored even if the facet is set in the FacetOverride. This means that a facet set to not be visible will not be returned, even if set in FacetOverride. Passing an empty object will return no facets. See example | There are two places that can impact which facets are configured to be returned Workbench > Data Configuration > Facets > Editing a facet > Display Rule Workbench > Merchandising > Landing Page > Editing a page > Facet Configuration | |
FieldOverride | string array | optional | An array of field names that will be returned in the response. If provided, only the fields listed will be returned. If no FieldOverride value is sent, the Workbench configuration will be used. If the Skip from Custom flag is turned “on” for a field, it will not be returned in the response, even if set in the FieldOverride parameter. | Fields will not be returned unless the flag is set at the field level: Workbench > Data Configuration > Fields > Edit a field > Include in results = On | |
ClientData | ClientData Object | optional | |||
IsInPreview | Boolean | optional | This is used by the Hawksearch Preview to set to true will display elements in a preview mode. | You can use this if you desire additional score information returned. | |
ExplainDocId | String | optional | This is used by the Hawksearch Preview to display the advanced explanation of an item’s score calculation. | You can use this if you desire additional score information returned. | |
SmartBar | Array of objects | optional | These are options that can be set by the user in the SmartBar. You can use this if you desire additional score information returned. | ||
>BoostAndBury | Boolean | optional | This is used to enable or disable Boost and Bury Rules. | Workbench > Merchandising > Boost & Bury Rules | |
>VisibilityRules | Boolean | optional | This is used to enable or disable Visibility Rules. | Workbench > Merchandising > Visibility Rules | |
>PersonalizedBoost | Boolean | optional | This is used to enable or disable the boost for Recommended Items. | Workbench > Edit Boost for Recommended Items | |
>PopularityBoost | Boolean | optional | This is used to enable or disable the boost for Learning Search Multiplier. | Workbench > Edit Learning Search Multiplier | |
>ItemPin | Boolean | optional | This is used to enable or disable Pinning Rules. | Workbench > Merchandising > Item Pinning | |
>PopularitySalesBoost | Boolean | optional | This is used to enable or disable the boost for Orders Multiplier | Workbench > Keyword Search > AI Based Multipliers > Order Multiplier | |
>PopularityAdd2CartBoost | Boolean | optional | This is used to enable or disable the boost for Add2Carts Multiplier | Workbench > Keyword Search > AI Based Multipliers > Add2Carts Multiplier | |
Is100CoverageTurnedOn | Boolean | optional | If all of the records in a result set have the same value(s) in a facet, the facet does not provide value to the user. To flag such facets as not visible, set this flag to "true." | ||
Query | String | optional | Use this to perform searches on one or more specific fields without needing to create facets for them. | For examples, see Field-specific Search | |
BoostQueries | Array | optional | Collection of boosting objects | For examples, see Dynamic Query Boost Search | |
>query | Alphanumeric string | optional | The field(s) and value(s) to be searched for |
| |
>boost | Integer | optional | The boost value for the particular filter provided by the query parameter |
| |
Variant | Object | optional | See Variant Object Section |
Example SmartBar
"ClientGuid": "{{client_guid}}",
"IndexName": "{{index}}",
"IsInPreview": false,
"Keyword": "Trestle 15 Item_72351",
"SmartBar": {
"BoostAndBury": true,
"VisibilityRules": false,
"PersonalizedBoost": true,
"PopularityBoost": true,
"ItemPin": true,
"PopularitySalesBoost": true,
"PopularityAdd2CartBoost": true
Object | Data Type | Always | Description |
Object | Data Type | Always | Description |
Success | Boolean | Yes | Indicates if request was successful. If the result is nit successfull, please |
Pagination | Pagination object | Yes | Summary of pagination details and a set of pagination options. See Pagination Object section. |
Keyword | String | Yes | The Keyword value that was sent to Hawksearch in the request. If no Keyword was set in request, the value will be empty. |
Results | Array of objects | Yes | |
Facets | Array of objects | ||
VisitorTargets | Array of objects | ||
Selections | Array of objects | ||
Sorting | Sorting Object | ||
AdjustedKeyword | String | No | If this is populated, it indicates that the Keyword value returned 0 results, but the results in this response are from this AdjustedKeyword. A message should be displayed to the user informing them that their search was corrected to this string. This is the result of Auto Correct, which is configured in the Workbench > Keyword Search > Did You Mean |
DidYouMean | Array of strings | Yes | If any strings are returned in the array, they should be displayed to the user as suggested search terms. This is the result of Did You Mean, which is configured in the Workbench > Keyword Search > Did You Mean |
Merchandising | Array of objects | No | |
FeaturedItems | Array of objects | No | |
SearchDuration | Numeric | Yes | Number of milliseconds |
Redirect | Redirect Object | ||
PageContent | PageContent Object |
The Search method is used to retrieve search results or to retrieve the contents for a Landing Page. Either the Keyword or CustomUrl parameter should be included anytime this method is used. The following are use-cases for when this method should be used.
Retrieve Search Results
Search by keyword entered by user
Refinement of search results when user selects facet(s)
Another page of search results when user moves to another page of search results
Resorted results when user sorts search results
Refinement of search results when user applies a “search within” refinement
Retrieve Landing Pages
Initial loading of a Landing Page; for both content or product listing type of Landing Pages
Refinement of product listing on a Landing Page when user selects facet(s)
Another page of products when user moves to another page listed products of a Landing Page
Resorted products when user sorts items within a Landing Page
Refinement of product listing when user applies a “search within” refinement
Endpoint | Method | Header Key |
Endpoint | Method | Header Key |
api/search | POST | Content-Type: application/json |
X-HawkSearch-IgnoreTracking: true/false |
* X-HawkSearch-IgnoreTracking key disables tracking in this instance. The value is set to false by default
Name | Data Type | Required | Description | Source or Admin Section |
Name | Data Type | Required | Description | Source or Admin Section | |
ClientGuid | string | required | API Client Guid | Tracking Key found in Admin > Account Info | |
Keyword | string | optional | Search term entered by a user. If keyword is not included, all items configured to be returned will be returned. When this parameter is populated, the results will be matched against this term by the search engine. | Entered by the user. Keyword and CustomURL should never be passed in the same request. | |
CustomUrl | string | optional | Landing page Custom URL. When this parameter is populated, the resulting response will be determined by the configuration of the corresponding Landing Page. | This matches the Custom URL field within a Landing Page. Can be found Workbench > Merchandising > Landing Pages Keyword and CustomURL should never be passed in the same request. | |
PageNo | number | optional | Page number of results to return. If no PageNo value is sent, the default is that the first page of results will be returned. Reporting is impacted by sending the PageNo parameter, so it should not be passed for the first page unless the user is navigating back to the first page after visiting another page of results. | Valid values are configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination | |
MaxPerPage | number | optional | Maximum number of items to be returned on a page. This value needs to be one of the values configured within the Sorting/Pagination section of the Workbench. If no MaxPerPage value is sent, the default value from the Workbench will be used. The default can vary depending on the pagination set triggered. Entering 0 in the request will return only facets, no documents. See example | Valid values are configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination | |
SortBy | string | optional | The SortBy value corresponds with the Sorting configuration in the Hawksearch Workbench. This value needs to be one of the values configured within the Sorting/Pagination section of the Workbench. If no SortBy value is sent, the default value from the Workbench will be used. The default can vary depending on the sorting set triggered. | Valid values are configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination | |
SortingSetCode | string | optional | SortingSetCode can be used to specify a particular sorting set that should be used for the results. If not passed, the engine will evaluate the rules for each sorting set and pick the first applicable one. | Valid values are configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination > Sorting Code | |
PaginationSetCode | string | optional | PaginationSetCode can be used to specify a particular paginationset that should be used for the results. If not passed, the engine will evaluate the rules for each pagination set and pick the first applicable one. | Valid values are configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination > Pagination Code | |
SearchWithin | string | optional | SearchWithin should be populated if the user has applied a Search Within filter to the results. This functionality needs to be configured in the Hawksearch Workbench in order for it to work. | Workbench > Data Configuration > Facets | |
FacetSelections | Dictionary <string, object[]> | optional | This is the dictionary of key-value pairs where the key is the name of the facet. The value is the array of values for the selection. | The names and values of facets can be taken from the response from a previous calling of the search method. The name can be found in value of the Field object, unless ParamName is set, then use ParamName. The value can be found in the value of the Value object (within the Values object). Examples can be seen in Example 1.2 below. | |
FacetOverride | string array | optional | An array of facet names that should be returned in the response. If provided, only the facets listed will be returned. If no FacetOverride value is sent, the Workbench configuration will be used to determine and send appropriate facets based on the result set. If there is a Display Rules on facets will still be evaluated for facets set in FacetOverride. This means that the facet will not be returned, even if set in FacetOverride, if the Display Rule condition is not met. The Is Visible flag on facets will be honored even if the facet is set in the FacetOverride. This means that a facet set to not be visible will not be returned, even if set in FacetOverride. Passing an empty object will return no facets. See example | There are two places that can impact which facets are configured to be returned Workbench > Data Configuration > Facets > Editing a facet > Display Rule Workbench > Merchandising > Landing Page > Editing a page > Facet Configuration | |
FieldOverride | string array | optional | An array of field names that will be returned in the response. If provided, only the fields listed will be returned. If no FieldOverride value is sent, the Workbench configuration will be used. If the Skip from Custom flag is turned “on” for a field, it will not be returned in the response, even if set in the FieldOverride parameter. | Fields will not be returned unless the flag is set at the field level: Workbench > Data Configuration > Fields > Edit a field > Include in results = On | |
ClientData | ClientData Object | optional | |||
IsInPreview | Boolean | optional | This is used by the Hawksearch Preview to set to true will display elements in a preview mode. | You can use this if you desire additional score information returned. | |
ExplainDocId | String | optional | This is used by the Hawksearch Preview to display the advanced explanation of an item’s score calculation. | You can use this if you desire additional score information returned. | |
SmartBar | Array of objects | optional | These are used by the Hawksearch Preview | These are options that can be set by the user in the Preview SmartBar. You can use this if you desire additional score information returned. | |
>BoostAndBury | Boolean | optional | This is used by the Hawksearch Preview to enable or disable Boost and Bury Rules. | Workbench > Merchandising > Boost & Bury Rules | |
>VisibilityRules | Boolean | optional | This is used by the Hawksearch Preview to enable or disable Visibility Rules. | Workbench > Merchandising > Visibility Rules | |
>PersonalizedBoost | Boolean | optional | This is used by the Hawksearch Preview to enable or disable the boost for Recommended Items. | Workbench > Edit Boost for Recommended Items | |
>PopularityBoost | Boolean | optional | This is used by the Hawksearch Preview to enable or disable the boost for Learning Search Multiplier. | Workbench > Edit Learning Search Multiplier | |
>ItemPin | Boolean | optional | This is used by the Hawksearch Preview to enable or disable Pinning Rules. | Workbench > Merchandising > Item Pinning | |
Is100CoverageTurnedOn | Boolean | optional | If all of the records in a result set have the same value(s) in a facet, the facet does not provide value to the user. To flag such facets as not visible, set this flag to "true." | ||
Query | String | optional | Use this to perform searches on one or more specific fields without needing to create facets for them. | For examples, see Field-specific Search |
Example 1.1 Retrieving search results
"ClientGuid" : "client_guid",
"Keyword" : "jack",
"VisitorId" : "2F87556F-AA2F-438E-A52C-AFF4B7E10EB5",
"Custom" : {"some key" : "some value"},
"HttpTrueClientIp" : "",
"UserAgent" : "some agent",
"Source" : ""
Example 1.2 Filtering and sorting the search results (with a field override)
"ClientGuid" : "client_guid",
"Keyword" : "jack",
"FieldOverride" : ["itemname", "isonsale"],
"SortBy" : "saleprice",
"FacetSelections": {
"pricerange": ["1,25"],
"Brand": [
"Columbia Sportswear",
"zip_postal_code_range": ["ba3,bl6"]
"VisitorId" : "2F87556F-AA2F-438E-A52C-AFF4B7E10EB5",
"Custom" : {"some key" : "some value"},
"HttpTrueClientIp" : "",
"UserAgent" : "some agent",
"Source" : ""
Example 1.3 Retrieving Landing Page contents
"ClientGuid" : "client_guid",
"CustomUrl" : "/best-sellers",
"VisitorId" : "2F87556F-AA2F-438E-A52C-AFF4B7E10EB5",
"Custom" : {"some key" : "some value"},
"HttpTrueClientIp" : "",
"UserAgent" : "some agent",
"Source" : ""
Example 1.4 Pagination selections
"ClientGuid" : "client_guid",
"keyword" : "jacket",
"PageNo" : 3,
"MaxPerPage" : 24
Entering MaxPerPage equal to 0 in the request will return only facets, no result documents:
"ClientGuid" : "client_guid",
"MaxPerPage" : 0
"Facets": [
"FacetId": 1,
"Name": "Department",
"Field": "department_nest",
"FieldType": "string",
"Success": true,
"Pagination": {
"NofResults": 2400,
"CurrentPage": 0,
"MaxPerPage": 0,
"NofPages": 0,
"Items": [],
"IsShowFirstLink": true,
"IsShowLastLink": true,
"NumberOfPageLinks": 5
"Keyword": "",
"Results": [],
Example Filtering results with a Facet Override parameter
To return an array of facets, the associated facet field names should be provided:
"ClientGuid" : "client_guid",
"FacetOverride" : ["department_nest", "price"]
To return no Facet object an empty array can be passed:
"ClientGuid" : "client_guid",
"FacetOverride" : [""]
Object | Data Type | Always | Description |
Object | Data Type | Always | Description |
Success | Boolean | Yes | Indicates if the request was successful. |
Pagination | Pagination object | Yes | Summary of pagination details and a set of pagination options. See Pagination Object section. |
Keyword | String | Yes | The Keyword value that was sent to Hawksearch in the request. If no Keyword was set in request, the value will be empty. |
Results | Array of objects | Yes | |
Facets | Array of objects | ||
VisitorTargets | Array of objects | ||
Selections | Array of objects | ||
Sorting | Sorting Object | ||
AdjustedKeyword | String | No | If this is populated, it indicates that the Keyword value returned 0 results, but the results in this response are from this AdjustedKeyword. A message should be displayed to the user informing them that their search was corrected to this string. This is the result of Auto Correct, which is configured in the Workbench > Keyword Search > Did You Mean |
DidYouMean | Array of strings | Yes | If any strings are returned in the array, they should be displayed to the user as suggested search terms. This is the result of Did You Mean, which is configured in the Workbench > Keyword Search > Did You Mean |
Merchandising | Array of objects | No | |
FeaturedItems | Array of objects | No | |
SearchDuration | Numeric | Yes | Number of milliseconds |
Redirect | Redirect Object | ||
PageContent | PageContent Object |
Example 1.5
The basic structure of the response. Individual examples of the arrays can be found in the Objects section.
"Success": true,
"Pagination": {},
"Keyword": "jacket",
"Results": [],
"Facets": [],
"Selections": {},
"Sorting": {},
"DidYouMean": [],
"Merchandising": {},
"FeaturedItems": {},
"SearchDuration": 12
The compare method is to be called when users willing to compare one or more items. This is a full API version of the compare.
Endpoint | Method | Header Key |
Endpoint | Method | Header Key |
api/v2/compare | POST | Content-Type: application/json |
Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
ClientGuid | String | required | API Client Guid |
Ids | Array of strings | required | An array of unique identifiers of items that will be compare. The maximum number of items to be compared at one time cannot exceed five. |
FieldOverride | Array of strings | optional | An array of field names that if passes, Hawksearch will return in a response. If not specified response will return all fields marked as "Include in Results" in dashboard. |
IndexName | String | optional | The name of the index that should be queried to get compared items data. |
Example 2.2
"ClientGuid": "client_guid",
"Ids": [
"FieldOverride": [
Object | Data Type | Always | Description |
Object | Data Type | Always | Description |
Success | Boolean | Yes | Indicates if request was successful. |
Results | Array of objects | Yes |
Example 3.2
"Success": true,
"Results": [
"DocId": "Item_147844",
"Score": 1,
"Document": {
"imagealttag": {
"value": [
"compare": false
"price": {
"value": [
"compare": false
"itemname": {
"value": [
"Boy's Glacial Half Zip Jacket Junior"
"compare": false
"sku": {
"value": [
"\r\n "
"compare": true
"DocId": "Item_147628",
"Score": 1,
"Document": {
"imagealttag": {
"value": [
"compare": false
"price": {
"value": [
"compare": false
"itemname": {
"value": [
"Girl's Pearl Plush Full Zip Junior"
"compare": false
"sku": {
"value": [
"\r\n "
"compare": true
Where do I find the ClientGuid?
When logged into the Hawksearch Workbench, click on the account icon found on the right side of the top bar, next to the logout icon. When your account page loads, look at the bottom where the Tracking Key Guid is displayed.
How does Autocorrect work?
When turned on in the Workbench (Keyword Search > Did You Mean > Auto Correct), Auto Correct will get triggered when the engine initially finds zero results with the keyword passed. Before returning a response to the front-end, the engine will evaluate other terms to see if a close match exists. The values that are used in this comparison are the values of fields where the “Include in dictionary” is set to “on.”
The Minimum Score slider found on the admin screen below is used to set the minimum score match for compared keywords. The higher the value on this slider, the more selective the comparison will be when finding a close match.