How to Test Tracking?

How to Test Tracking?

Presence of events on Tracking Preview page

All tracking events can be viewed and tested by logging into the Hawksearch workbench and navigating to

Admin >> Tracking Events Preview


Perform a search from the preview page and refresh the tracking preview page

It must display the search event corresponding to the keyword search you just made.

Similarly test for presence of the Event Click and other events on the tracking preview page.


Please ensure all the tracking events are coming through. Some important events are:

  • Event Page Load

  • Search

  • Event Click

  • Add To Cart

  • Event Sale


Combinations of tracking events confirm to every report. So if a report is not displaying data or showing incorrect data, please check to ensure your website is sending the tracking events to your Hawksearch engine.


Note: The event Request Tracking is logged by Hawksearch internally for summarization purposes.

Presence of UniqueId

TIP: clicking the eyeball icon will pop-up a window with details of the request.

To test every event, you can use the search bar on the Tracking Preview to filter the event type.

The most important thing to check is that the UniqueId is being passed in the correct manner. This MUST match what is set to the primary key in the Hawksearch workbench.

Note that, in the tracking requests, the name of the attribute remains “UniqueId” however its value will need to be that associated with the primary key. So:

  • If “SKU” is set as primary key, then Hawksearch expects that field in the tracking requests, example:
    if your item’s SKU is ABC-1

    { ... "UniqueId" : "ABC-1", ... }


  • If “Id” is set as primary key, then Hawksearch expects that field in the tracking requests, example:
    if your item’s Id is 10001

    { ... "UniqueId" : "10001", ... }

The primary key field is defined under the Field Configuration settings.

Note: If you have a parent-child setup in your Hawksearch index, ensure that you send the correct id according to your setup.


  1. If you have all child items' attributes roll up into your parent so that you display only the parent item, then the uniqueid you need to send in tracking should be the parent id even if the item displayed is the child.

  2. If you have all child items displayed in the search results, then send the child item’s id as the uniqueid to the tracking API.

  3. For the latest version of Variant Logic with Hawksearch v4.0 API, sending the parent’s unique id helps generate correct reporting data and recommendations.

Note: UniqueId may not be applicable to all events - for example, a search event may not need to have a uinique id associated with it however for a click event, Hawksearch must know which item was clicked upon.