Using API to Create Landing Pages
This API allows you to create a landing page in Hawksearch dashboard.
Product Listing Landing Page
Request: POST request to the API below:
Content Landing Page
Request: POST request to the API below:
The response is an array of landing page objects, every object being a series of key-value pairs. Description of the data is as follows:
Key | Description | Value Type |
PageId | The unique identifier of the landing page (unique across the whole system) | Number |
SyncGuid | Internal field | GUID |
Name | The Name Field allows you to provide a unique name. Choose a name that you can easily associate with this element. | String |
ListName | List Name is what will appear in the list of Landing Pages for future reference on the Administration Page. | String |
Title | Display title of the landing page | String |
MetaDescription | SEO property. The Meta Description should be a short concise summary of your website. This description is usually shown in conjunction with your Page Title in search engine results | String |
MetaKeywords | SEO property. Meta Keywords are short concise phrases or terms that best describe your website. It is important to put the most important words or phrases at the beginning of the list. Separate the words or phrases by commas, however spaces are not needed between commas and new words. | String |
CustomUrl | The Custom URL field allows you to design the URL requested from Hawk Search for this landing page. Please keep in mind that Hawk Search does not perform any URL re-writing so this is merely the URL requested from Hawk Search - NOT the URL customers would type into an address bar to reach this page. | String |
Breadcrumb | The Breadcrumb field allows you to manually list out any navigational states you'd like to include in your Landing Page. A common example is to provide a link back to the home page, then any category or sub category. | String, HTML |
NarrowXml | A rule to narrow down the landing pages products. Used on Product listing landing pages | String |
IsFacetOverride | Overriding the Default Facets allows you control what left hand navigation options are presented on your landing pages. This way, you can simplify the facets so that only the most appropriate choices are available to customers on your custom landing page. | Boolean |
IsIncludeProducts | Are there any products included? | Boolean |
SortFieldId | Custom sorting field | String |
SortDirection | Custom sorting direction | String |
SelectedFacets | List of facets selected on a landing page | SelectedFacets array of objects |
PageLayoutId | A content layout configuration | Number |
EnableFacetAutoOrdering | A default setting for suggester facet sorting | Boolean |
Custom | You can utilize the Custom Field for unique codes or notes that you don't want to be overwritten by anyone else on the team. This field can be set as Read Only through the Administrative Settings to prevent it from being modified. | String |
Tags | Engine-wide labels (avilable acros complete dashboard) | Comma separated alphanumeric string |
CanonicalUrl | SEO configuration. The canonical URL is single URL that a search engine will use to identify the page. It consolidates the information for individual on a single preferred URL | String |
PageType | Product listing or content | String |
ContentConfigList | Landing page custom config for zones | Object |
PageHeading | Additional page heading | String |
CustomHtml | Additional page html | String |
Keywords | Custom keywords | String |
Notes | Custom notes | String |
CreateDate | Creation date | Date string in MM-DD-YYYY format |
ModifyDate | Modification date | Date string in MM-DD-YYYY format |
IsNoIndex | SEO property | Boolean |
IsNoFollow | SEO property | Boolean |
StartDate | Start date for landing page to be active | Date string in MM-DD-YYYY format |
EndDate | End date for landing page to be active | Date string in MM-DD-YYYY format |
POST Methods
POST api/v9/LandingPage
Add new Landing Page.
value: Landing Page object (FromBody)
version: (FromUri)
POST api/v9/LandingPage/bulk
Add multiple Landing Pages at once
pages: Collection of Landing Page objects (FromBody)
version: (FromUri)
Best Practices
Method: POST
Authentication: Basic (Engine API Key)
When creating a new landing page, you need to make sure that the following attributes are always sent in the request payload otherwise the request would be invalid.
Post Methods