Recent Searches Facet Component


The Recent Searches Facet Component displays a list of the five most recent searches performed by a user.


The selector for this component is <hawksearch-recent-searches-facet>.

Data Model

The Facet data model is exposed to the Handlebars template:

For more information, see Search Models.

Event Binding Attributes

Attribute Name

Attribute Value

Attribute Name

Attribute Value



When an element with this attribute is clicked, the click will be tracked and a new search will be executed with that query.

Default Template

<div class="recent-searches-facet"> <ul class="recent-searches-facet__list"> {{#each values}} <li class="recent-searches-facet__list__item"> <a hawksearch-query="{{title}}" class="facet__value">{{title}}</a> </li> {{/each}} </ul> </div>