BigCommerce: Vue SDK - Install

BigCommerce: Vue SDK - Install


The integration of Hawksearch using Vue.js is done by using the Hawksearch Vue SDK. It is a publicly distributed NPM package that is included as a dependency to the BigCommerce theme. The default Cornerstone theme is used in the following examples.



  • Node.js version 11.0.0 or higher

  • NPM version 6.0.0 or higher

  • A Stencil theme

  • Stencil CLI


Steps to install

  1. Install the package in your theme using the command shell

    npm install git+https://github.com/hawksearch/vue-hawksearch.git#latest
  2. Create a directory in your assets folder to include Vue.js resources (e.g. assets/js/hawksearch/vue).

  3. Create an index.js (e.g. assets/js/hawksearch/vue/index.js). It will include all necessary initializations and custom work that will be included in the later articles. At this point, the main class can be imported at the top of the file.


    import HawksearchVue from '@hawksearch/vue';


  4. The initialization script should be included in theme scripts. The recommended approach is to include it in the theme app.js to maintain a single bundle structure. To do this the index.js must include a function export.


    import HawksearchVue from '@hawksearch/vue'; // Other imports ... export default function () { // Initialization code goes here }



  5. The vue instance is also required for any additional customization, so it is a good practice to add it to the webpack config.


  6. The package has default styles that are available from @hawksearch/vue/dist/vue-hawksearch.css and should be included and used as a base for further development.

  7. Run the stencil development environment to build the resources and review progress.
    Live Previewing a Theme - Stencil CLI - Stencil Docs


Next steps

BigCommerce: Vue SDK - Setup configuration


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