Create widget

Create widget


React SDK setup


We will create a widget files in hawksearch/widgets folder. You can make different widgets for facets, results, searchbox through this pattern. The widgets will be created in the way so you can render the react-hawskearch components and assign it to your DOM element using “id”. Follow the below steps to create widgets.


  1. Create a file in the widget's directory (e.g. assets/js/hawksearch/widgets/create-sample-widget.jsx)

  2. Import React and ReactDOM

    import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
  3. Import Hawksearch, QueryStringListener and required component from react-hawksearch.

    import { Hawksearch, QueryStringListener, SearchBox } from 'react-hawksearch';
  4. Create the configuration object for Hawksearch provider. The complete configuration details are available here https://hawksearch.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CON/pages/edit-v2/2434072585?draftShareId=a8000c17-41ee-468b-9b3c-b184dd2604ef&inEditorTemplatesPanel=auto_closed (Below values are for demonstration purpose only. These keys with your data can be grabbed from hawksearch dashboard or contact the team for this).

    const hawkConfig = { clientGuid: '9c2a78v6bc9977w0929w88rf576y4476', apiUrl: 'https://searchapi-dev.hawksearch.net/', indexName: '' }
  5. Within widget file create a new Component which include the configuration provider (Hawksearch) and required component (eg. SearchBox).

  6. Render the component instance to the DOM element.

  7. This component variable in above point is the DOM element which you need to make in your project and assign it an id and get that into the widgets file.

  8. Add load event listener, this will execute our component SearchWidget and render it when window loads. wrap that listener like.

  9. Add the widget’s file reference in index.jsx

  10. Re-build the JS resources (e.g. webpack --mode development)


Mobile support features are dependant on the configuration of the page the widget is placed on. Make sure that the following tag is available in the <head> of the page:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">



Next steps

Extending result item component

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