Kentico: Indexing Child Page Type Text Components

In this article you'll find:


The purpose of this article is to provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to Index child page type text components.


Steps to Configure Child Page Type Indexing

  1. Access the application selector side menu by pressing F2 or clicking on the button located at the top left. Select the Settings application.

  2. Navigate to Integration / Hawksearch. This is where you'll find the settings for the connector.

  3. Look for the Child Text Indexing section and specifically the Child Mapping setting.

  4. The values for this setting are separated by semicolons (;), and within each value, different components are separated by vertical bars (|).

  5. The format for inputting values should be as follows:

    For example: "/components|component.text|RichText;/components|component.features|RichText;"


    • /path_to_child_page denotes the path to the child page.

    • component_type indicates the type of component.

    • field_value specifies the field's value, which in this context, is text.

  6. After configuration, run a new index to verify that child page types are indexed correctly.