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Redirect Rules Video Tutorial

Redirect Rules

Site searches primarily help customers find products and items. However, there may be additional content that your customers need to find quickly. In order to avoid confusion, you can set up redirect search terms that will circumvent the normal search algorithm and take your customers directly to the page you know they need. This guide will show you how to set up and edit these redirect rules.

Navigating to the Redirect Rules Administration Home Page

1) To navigate to the Redirect Rules Administration section, click on "Workbench" from the top navigation.

2) Next, select "Merchandising" from the left navigation and select "Redirects" from the subcategories. This link will take you to the "Redirects Administration" page.

3) Once you arrive on the Administration page, you are offered a few ways to run a search if you are looking for a specific Redirect Rule. The "Content" field allows you to search for terms throughout the whole rule, including results where your search term is in a trigger.

4) The second method allows you to search based on the redirect URL by typing all or part of the URL into the "Redirect URL" field.

5) You can also do a search based on the start or end date that an existing Redirect Rule has been set to run.

6) To search for specific words associated with the rule, use the "Tags" field. 

7) Use the "Status" dropdown to search for rules based on their current publishing status.

8) After you have entered information in any/all search fields, click the "Search" button to generate a list of results matching your search criteria.

9) Choose "Export" if you would like to export redirects into a spreadsheet. You can use the "Bulk Load" feature to upload redirects (see below).

10) If you would like to edit  one of the Redirect Rules, click on the "pencil" icon. To delete a Rule click on the "trash can" icon. To copy a Redirect Rule, click on the "paper" icon. You can also rearrange the order of the rules on the page by clicking on the double arrows and sliding the Rule up and down on the list.The order in which the rules are listed on the administration page corresponds to the order that the rules will be processed. 

11) To select items for bulk processing, choose the text box next to them. To select or deselect all, choose the text box at the top.

12) Use the "Actions" drop down to bulk process selected items.

13) Finally, if you would like to add a new Redirect Rule, click on the the "Add Rule" link. 

Adding a Redirect Rule

1) When adding a redirect rule, first give your rule a name by entering it into the "Name" field.

2) Next, add the link to the page you wish the visitor to be redirected to in the "Redirect URL" field. Once you complete these two basic fields, you will need to define the conditions under which the rule will be applied.

3) You have the option to enter the date and time range in which the redirect rule will be valid by clicking on the calendars next to the date fields and selecting the applicable dates.

4) For auditing purposes, it is recommended that you add a comment to note why the redirected rule is being created. 

5) To set the parameters for the condition, start by selecting whether ANY or ALL conditions will need to apply in order for the Redirect Rule to take effect.

6) Then, choose the field that will trigger the redirect. In this example, the "Keyword" field was selected.

7) Once you select a field, you will be prompted to choose an operator from the provided options based on the selected field. Choose one of these operators from the drop-down.

8) Finally, enter the keyword or value that will trigger the redirect rule.You can add an additional independent condition by clicking the "Add Condition" button in the lower left-hand corner. You can delete a condition by clicking the minus sign to the right of the condition. You can add a sub-condition by clicking the arrow to the right of the condition.

9) After you have specified all conditions that will trigger the Redirect Rule, click the "Save" button to create the rule.

Confirming the Rule Changes 


Once you have saved your changes, you will be returned to the Redirect Rules Administration page where you can confirm that your Redirect Rule has been added. Hovering over the "?" icon will display the date the Redirect Rule was created and when it was last modified.

Bulk Upload of Redirects

1) To Bulk Upload redirects, choose "Bulk Upload" on the Redirects Administration page.

2) Use the "Select files" option to choose a file to upload.

3) Select "Continue" after you have chosen your file.

4) To view a template file containing sample data, click here.

5) Once you have reviewed your redirects file, select "Import Redirects" to import the file.