Hawksearch SIM (Search Information Manager)

This article describes SIM feature for the new Hawksearch v4.0. For Hawksearch v2.0L - v4.0L, please contact your Account Manager.


Consider a situation where all or most of your products have dimensions in their names or in other query-able fields. However, all are in imperial units. Since your website is available in multiple regions of the world where the metric system is used instead, you may need to convert all the units from one system into another and store both. This just increases the size. Adding to this, what if the user searches for 10mm instead of 1 cm? In this case, although both are in the same metric unit, the user may still end up not getting what they searched for.

Hawksearch’s SIM is the feature which targets exactly this problem of unit and numeric conversion.


Dashboard Location

If you have chosen to have SIM installed for your engine, the feature will be available under the workbench.

  • Login to your dashboard.

  • From the top navigation menu, click on Workbench.

  • On the left navigation, the SIM module will be visible.

Basic SIM Search Configuration

These are the steps to configure basic SIM for search.

  1. Identify the types of measurements that need to be normalized for search. For example: Length, Weight or other groups of measurements.

  2. Create a normalizer with a minimum of two steps:

    1. RegEx to replace dashes with spaces

    2. Unit of Measure Operator for a measurement group that needs to be normalized. If there are more than one measurement group to be normalized, add multiple steps for Unit of Measure Operator.

  3. Assign the normalizer to all of the queried fields (even if fields do not contain the measurements).

  4. Build a new index.

  5. Test your searches!


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