Stop Words

In this article you will find: 

Stop Words Video Tutorial

Stop Words

Stop words are the words that are filtered out of natural language searches, such as "a, an," and "the." As an example, consider the following sentence: 

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy brown dog.

 If a search included these common words like "the" and "over," the number of results could number in the thousands, even on smaller sites. For this reason, searches typically filter out these common words, also known as stop words. Instead of displaying results that include the stop words, a search will only show results for the larger, content rich words in the example above:

* quick brown fox jumps * * lazy brown dog

 This guide will show you how to customize, add, and remove words from the Hawksearch Stop Words list.

Editing English Stop Words

1) To navigate to the Stop Words Administration page, click on the "Workbench" tab located in the top navigation.

2) Then, select the "Keyword Search" button in the left navigation. Choose "Stop Words" from the subcategories

3) Once you have arrived on the Stop Words Administration page, you can begin to make any needed changes to the group directly in the text box. Enter new stop words into the text box separating each word with a comma. Delete a Stop Word by clicking on the "x" in the box around the word you wish to get rid of. 

4) After you have completed all of your changes, click the "Save" button

5) Once you have confirmed the addition of your Stop Word(s), return to the main "Workbench" home page and click the "Rebuild Index" button. Changes will not show up until the Index is rebuilt.