Events Tracking API Integration

Events Tracking API Integration

Applicable Hawksearch Versions: All

Applicable Integration types: Hawksearch V4.0 API and API - front end integration



Configurations for an engine in this location are maintained in the Hawksearch Workbench at dev.hawksearch.net.




Configurations for an engine in this location are maintained in the Hawksearch Workbench at test.hawksearch.net.





Configurations for an engine in this location are maintained in the Hawksearch Workbench at dashboard-na.hawksearch.com.

Tracking ID


TrackingId is unique to every search request and required in tracking requests.

Since Search and Tracking are separate requests, and based on HTTP which is stateless inherently, there is a need to establish a relationship with the search request and a corresponding tracking request. This can be achieved by an identifier unique to the pair of search and tracking requests.

For every search request made to Hawksearch's Search API, along with the search results, merchandising section, etc., Hawksearch also gives back a unique identifier in the response. This identifier should be sent back through tracking requests which corresponds to the search made.

{ ... "TrackingId" : "0d6a30c0-5a6e-4995-8802-7d7096b7fb86", ... }

This TrackingId needs to be used in sending the tracking requests back to Hawksearch's tracking service so that Hawksearch can establish the connectivity between the search and tracking requests.

Please note to include this dynamic id obtained from Hawksearch's response, into the tracking requests.

Using a TrackingId from an old search response or a random guid may not be recorded in the reports on Hawksearch workbench.

This is different from VisitId, VisitorId and the TrackingGuid attributes.

How to track requests

The steps to correctly track a Search event is as below, please refer to the specific event details in the remainder of this article for more examples.


Identifiers and their scope

All of these IDs need to be generated and sent to Hawksearch, since API integration typically does not require/use Hawksearch provided Javascript code:


VisitorId - this is the Guid to be set once per user. We recommend this to be stored in a browser cookie so that this same id is used when the user closes and reopens the browser and visits your website. Typically, once the vlaue of this cookie is set, it does not change. This is set to not expire or expire after a long term - like a year. Hawksearch uses this to ensure tracking events correspond to a given user and help recommend user-specific products through recommendation widgets.

Note that VisitorId does not map to a registered user on your website so the same registered user opening your website in different browsers or in incognito mode will have different visitor id's. To ensure that Hawksearch system knows all these are the same user, please use our identifyAPI in conjunction with the Ids explained later (Tracking Member Logins) in this article.


VisitId - this is the Guid set for every visit or user session” of a logged in/guest user. This corresponds to the user opening the website and performing search, click, add to cart and any other operation. This gives our reports generator the information about the user’s activity on his/her certain visit to the website. This is scoped only until the browser is open. If the browser is closed and a fresh new browser window is opened, then this value needs to be set newly.


QueryId - is a unique id per “keyword session” - a session limited only to the specific search term. If the user searches for a keyword and continues to make facet selections, change the sort order and paging etc, all will fall under the same QueryId. QueryId changes when search term changes.



  1. Scope of User Id (identify api) > Scope of VisitorId > Scope of VisitId > Scope of QueryId

  2. Note: TypeId is 1 for “Regular Searches” i.e., when a new search is performed. It is 2 for “Refined Search” - facet filtering, sorting, paging selection changes for the same keyword until the user searches for something else.



Value Range

Generated By

Typical Persistence Location


Expiry (reset when)

Usage (sent to Hawk during)


Value Range

Generated By

Typical Persistence Location


Expiry (reset when)

Usage (sent to Hawk during)

Query Id

Valid GUID


Page Viewstate/Viewbag/temporary


User searches for different keyword (search term)

Tracking API requests

Visit Id

Valid GUID


Browser Cookie

Browser specific tab/window

Opening a new browser tab/window

Search and Tracking API requests

Visitor Id

Valid GUID


Browser Cookie

Browser - all tabs and windows

Browser cache is cleared

Search and Tracking API requests

UserId/MemberId/AccountId with identify API

Alphanumeric - individual website specific


Website’s backend database (Userid) and Hawksearch’s database (Mapping between website’s User id and Hawksearch’s visitor id & visit id)

Website level


One time mapping request through Tracking API


Valid GUID


Page Viewstate/Viewbag/temporary


User searches for different keyword (search term)

Sent by Hawksearch in search response, to be sent back by website to Hawksearch for the corresponding tracking API request (see Tracking Id section above)


1 or 2


Page Viewstate/Viewbag/temporary


Reset to 1 when - User searches for different keyword (search term)

Change to 2 upon - faceting/pagination/sorting changes by the user for the same search result set (keyword hasnt changed yet and user is clickign on facets/sorting/etc.)

Tracking API requests

Tracking API Methods


The POST method is used to pass tracking events to your recommendation engine. Hawk Search allows for tracking many different types of events (listed below) using only one generic method common for all types of events. 

Response Code

Response Code


Data type


Response Code


Data type









A detailed explanation on why the event failed to insert, Example below:


  "Message""Invalid ClientGuid"




Go to Tracking Event Types section to see examples.


   "EventData": "",

Tracking Event Types

Hawksearch API allows you to collect information about different types of events in a system. Depending on the type, the API expects related data about the occurring event.

EventType property represents following values (both EventType Value and EventyType Code can be used to define field values)

Event Name

EventType Code

EventType Value

Event Name

EventType Code

EventType Value

Page Load Event



Search Event



Click Event



Add To Cart Event



Rate Event



Sale Event



Banner Click Event



Banner Impression Event



Tracking Member Login Event



Recommendation Click Event



Autocomplete Click Event



Add To Cart Multiple Event



Banner Impression Bulk Event



Autocomplete Trending Category Click Event



Autocomplete Trending Items Click Event



This section describes different types of events and their representing model. 

Page Load Event

Events representation for tracking specific pages customers are loading.

Event Data Model

Property Name

Data Type



Property Name

Data Type






Number between 1 and 5 indicating the page type:

1 - Item detail page (i.e. PDP) - please pass UniqueId for this type of page
2 - Landing Page
3 - Shopping Cart Page
4 - Order Confirmation Page
5 - All other Page Types




Query string passed within page url




The URL of requested page




The height of the device viewport.




The width of the device viewport.



required when PageTypeId=1

Represents the unique identifier of a product.


Array of objects


Can be used to send information used for evaluating Visitor Targets.



Event Data Object



Complete Request Body


   "EventData":... // Serialized and Base64 Encoded PageLoad Event Data Object


Example of CustomDictionary

Event Data Object



Complete Request Body


   "EventData":... // Serialized and Base64 Encoded PageLoad Event Data Object

"CustomDictionary": {“custom“:”search”}




Search Event

To track search events in web application you should call tracking API using this type of event.

Event Data Model


Click Event

To track click events in web application you should call tracking API using this type of event.

This click event is applicable for user clicks made on the search results on search page or Hawksearch landing page.

For user clicks on Banners, Recommendation widget items and Autocomplete sections, please refer to appropriate events.

Event Data Model


Add To Cart Event

This type of tracking should be populated by events of adding items to the cart.

Event Data Model

Add To Cart Multiple Event

In some unique instances, the user is able to add many items to the cart with one click.
This method will allow you to call API tracking with singe event with multiple items.

Event Data Model

Item Info Model

Sale Event

In order to track sales events, call the tracking API using the following event eg. on your confirmation page.

Event Data Model

Sale Item Info Model

Rate Event

Hawksearch can provide personalized recommendations to users who rated items on the website. In order to send ‘rate’ event, please call the Tracking API using following event type.

Event Data Model

Banner Impression Event

To track banner impressions in web application you should call tracking API using this type of event, each time users display banner.

Event Data Model


Banner Click Event

To track banner clicks in web application you should call tracking API using this type of event.

Event Data Model

Banner Impression Bulk Event

To track a list of banner impressions in web application you should call tracking API using this type of event, each time users display a single or multiple banners.

Event Data Model

Banner Info Model


Recommendation Click Event

To track recommendation widget click action you should call tracking API using following type of event, each time user clicks on recommendation widget.

Event Data Model

Autocomplete Click Event

Use this event to track user clicks on different type of autocomplete results eg. Products, Categories, Content, Popular Searches.

Event Data Model


Autocomplete Trending Items Click Event

Use this event to track user clicks on autocomplete trending items results. When autocomplete returns products and IsRecommended = ture then Autocomplete Trending Items click event should be used.

Event Data Model


Autocomplete Trending Category Click Event

Use this event to track user clicks on autocomplete trending category results. When autocomplete returns category and IsRecommended = ture then Autocomplete Trending Category click event should be used.

Event Data Model



Tracking Member Logins (if applicable)

Bind anonymous users to registered users on your web site

By default, each individual user is tracked via “visit_id” and “visitor_id” cookies. These cookies are used to track the activity of the user. If you have a member sign-up on your site, you can attach the member login to the user’s activity. In order to provide a relationship between the logged-in member and the user’s cookie values, please make an API call to the following method:


In order to use the API you will need to pass the API key in the header of your request to authenticate your request. To lookup the API key for your account please look in the Hawksearch workbench under Admin >> Account Info.

Sample request

PUT /api/identify HTTP/1.1 Host: tracking-dev.hawksearch.net X-HawkSearch-ApiKey: 535bd002-1fc5-41a1-b264-1cd29dbd0e65 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Cache-Control: no-cache {"userId":311043,"visitId":"b014cb04-6c73-4e84-8cba-a6858bb1f785","visitorId":"e98f3943"}

userId: the Unique Identifier of the logged in user that is stored in your database (i.e. UserAccountId or MemberId, etc.)

vistitId: this is taken from the visit_id cookie

vistitorId: this is take from the visitor_id cookie

This request should be a server-side request.


Where do I find the ClientGuid (Tracking Key)?

When logged into the Hawksearch Workbench, click on the account icon found on the right side of the top bar, next to the logout icon.  When your account page loads, look at the bottom where the Tracking Key/Guid is displayed.

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