Using API to Update Fields

Using API to Update Fields

This API allows you to update a field in Hawksearch dashboard and manage the field configurations.

Example use case: Update label of a Brand field.

Request: PUT request to the API below:

PUT /api/v9/field/479976 HTTP/1.1 Host: dashboard-na.hawksearch.com X-HawkSearch-ApiKey: USE_YOUR_API_KEY Cache-Control: no-cache Postman-Token: cd457184-4c00-a650-62f2-530f22a9a384 { "FieldId": 479976, "SyncGuid": "5cf5ea85-ab8a-45a1-86bd-7e87165e4fbb", "Name": "brand", "FieldType": "facet", "Label": "Brand New Label", "Type": "String", "Boost": 1, "FacetHandler": 0, "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsOutput": true, "IsShingle": false, "IsBestFragment": false, "IsDictionary": false, "IsSort": false, "IsPrefix": false, "IsHidden": false, "IsCompare": false, "SortOrder": 0, "PartialQuery": "", "IsKeywordText": true, "IsQuery": false, "IsQueryText": false, "SkipCustom": false, "StripHtml": false, "MinNGramAnalyzer": 2, "MaxNGramAnalyzer": 15, "CoordinateType": 0, "OmitNorms": false, "ItemMapping": "", "DefaultValue": "", "UseForPrediction": false, "CopyTo": "", "Analyzer": "", "DoNotStore": false, "Tags": "", "Iterations": [ 1 ], "AnalyzerLanguage": "", "PreviewMapping": null, "OmitTfAndPos": false, "CreateDate": "02-04-2021", "ModifyDate": "02-04-2021" }


Response: The response is an array of field objects, every field object being a series of key-value pairs. For the description of the data, please refer to https://hawksearch.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HSKB/pages/1469743105/Using+API+to+Create+Fields#Overview


{ "FieldId": 479976, "SyncGuid": "5cf5ea85-ab8a-45a1-86bd-7e87165e4fbb", "Name": "Brand", "FieldType": "facet", "Label": "Brand New Label", "Type": "String", "Boost": 1, "FacetHandler": 0, "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsOutput": true, "IsShingle": false, "IsBestFragment": false, "IsDictionary": false, "IsSort": false, "IsPrefix": false, "IsHidden": false, "IsCompare": false, "SortOrder": 10, "PartialQuery": "", "IsKeywordText": false, "IsQuery": false, "IsQueryText": false, "SkipCustom": false, "StripHtml": false, "MinNGramAnalyzer": 2, "MaxNGramAnalyzer": 15, "CoordinateType": 0, "OmitNorms": false, "ItemMapping": "", "DefaultValue": "", "UseForPrediction": false, "CopyTo": "", "Analyzer": "", "DoNotStore": false, "Tags": "", "Iterations": [ 1 ], "AnalyzerLanguage": null, "PreviewMapping": null, "OmitTfAndPos": false, "CreateDate": "03-08-2021", "ModifyDate": "03-08-2021" }


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