Using API to Delete a Field
This API allows you to delete a field from the Hawksearch dashboard Fields section.
Example use case: Delete Brand field.
Request: Please pass the fieldId of the field which you want to delete in the API request below:
DELETE /api/v9/field/479976 HTTP/1.1
X-HawkSearch-ApiKey: USE_YOUR_API_KEY
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: cd457184-4c00-a650-62f2-530f22a9a384
Response: The response is an array of field objects, every field object being a series of key-value pairs. Description of the data is as follows:
No | Key | Description | Value Type |
1 | FieldId | The unique identifier of the field (unique across the whole system) | Number |
2 | SyncGuid | Internal field | GUID |
3 | Name | Name unique to an engine (can be the same for one or more engines) | lowercase alphanumeric string with underscores allowed |
4 | FieldType | One of the below field configuration options: Field Values are NOT stemmed | One of the 4 possible values - facet |
5 | Label | Display name of the field | Alphanumeric string |
6 | Type | Datatype of the field | One of the 3 possible values - Single |
7 | Boost | Boost value set on the field | Number between 1 and 200, inclusive |
8 | FacetHandler | Internal handler associated with the field | Alphanumeric |
9 | IsPrimaryKey | Flag to set as primary field | Boolean |
10 | IsOutput | Flag to control presence in response | Boolean |
11 | IsShingle | Corresponds to Add phrases to "Did you Mean"? under the field settings on the dashboard | Boolean |
12 | IsBestFragment | Flag controls creating synopses for large textual content | Boolean |
13 | IsDictionary | Flag to include field for autocorrect suggestions | Boolean |
14 | IsSort | Flag to allow sorting on search results page | Boolean |
15 | IsPrefix | Flag to indicate if the field is a prefix type | Boolean |
16 | IsHidden | Flag to control query builder configuration for the field | Boolean |
17 | IsCompare | Flag to manage comparison display | Boolean |
18 | SortOrder | Sort order of the field | Numeric |
19 | PartialQuery | Query type for the field | None, Prefix or Wildcard |
20 | IsKeywordText | Indicates that the field values indexed ""as is"" AND are stemmed | Boolean |
21 | IsQuery | Flag to allow querying on the field | Boolean |
22 | IsQueryText | Flag to show query text value | Boolean |
23 | SkipCustom | Flag to control display in custom group | Boolean |
24 | StripHtml | Flag to remove html content | Boolean |
25 | MinNGramAnalyzer | Minimum value for ngram analyzer (for queryable fields) | Numeric, 2 to 15 inclusive |
26 | MaxNGramAnalyzer | Maximum value for ngram analyzer (for queryable fields) | Numeric, 2 to 15 inclusive |
27 | CoordinateType | Used for latitude and logitude | Alphanumeric |
28 | OmitNorms | Flag to enable/disable smaller document to score higher | Boolean |
29 | ItemMapping | Field mapping value | Fieldname |
30 | DefaultValue | Value to show when empty | Alphanumeric |
31 | UseForPrediction | Flag to indicate |
32 | CopyTo | List of fields to copy values into (redundancy) | List of alphanumeric fieldnames |
33 | Analyzer | Corresponds to the drop down list of Analyzers to be chosen | Alphanumeric |
34 | DoNotStore | Flag to control storage (helps to increase performance by reducing index size) | Boolean |
35 | Tags | Engine-wide labels (avilable acros complete dashboard) | Comma separated alphanumeric string |
36 | Iterations | Query iterations | Array of numeric values |
37 | AnalyzerLanguage | Natural language choice for query analyzer | Alphanumeric |
38 | PreviewMapping | Available for API indexing enabled engines | Fieldname |
39 | OmitTfAndPos | Flag to omit term frequency | Boolean |
40 | CreateDate | Field creation date | Date string in MM-DD-YYYY format |
41 | ModifyDate | Field modification date | Date string in MM-DD-YYYY format |
"FieldId": 479976,
"SyncGuid": "5cf5ea85-ab8a-45a1-86bd-7e87165e4fbb",
"Name": "Brand",
"FieldType": "facet",
"Label": "Brand",
"Type": "String",
"Boost": 1,
"FacetHandler": 0,
"IsPrimaryKey": false,
"IsOutput": true,
"IsShingle": false,
"IsBestFragment": false,
"IsDictionary": false,
"IsSort": false,
"IsPrefix": false,
"IsHidden": false,
"IsCompare": false,
"SortOrder": 10,
"PartialQuery": "",
"IsKeywordText": false,
"IsQuery": false,
"IsQueryText": false,
"SkipCustom": false,
"StripHtml": false,
"MinNGramAnalyzer": 2,
"MaxNGramAnalyzer": 15,
"CoordinateType": 0,
"OmitNorms": false,
"ItemMapping": "",
"DefaultValue": "",
"UseForPrediction": false,
"CopyTo": "",
"Analyzer": "",
"DoNotStore": false,
"Tags": "",
"Iterations": [
"AnalyzerLanguage": null,
"PreviewMapping": null,
"OmitTfAndPos": false,
"CreateDate": "03-08-2021",
"ModifyDate": "03-08-2021"