General Settings Screen

General Settings Screen

This screen provides an overview of Hawksearch API engine information and data feed details.

  • Api Key: This will the unique API key that will be used for your engine and will allow you to connect to the Hawksearch API
  • Guid: This is unique tracking key code used for tracking purposes
  • Engine Name: This will be the unique name for the site URL you will connect to for your Hawksearch API requests
  • SFTP Settings: The app will send data feeds generated from BigCommerce to an FTP location on the Hawksearch side. The remaining settings will provide details of the FTP location. This account is specific to your installation of Hawksearch so files are only accessible to you and the Hawksearch staff working on your account. The app will be sending product data to this FTP location on a scheduled basis as configured in the data feed schedule screen

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