Create API Keys for Using REST API calls

Create API Keys for Using REST API calls

  1. From the gear icon in the top-right, navigate to Setup. From the ‘Quick Find’ box on the left, type in “App Manager” and select the menu item with the same name. On this screen, you will see a number of pre-built connection points. Let us add our own by selecting “New Connected App” in the top-right.

  2. Enter the following information and click “Save”:

    Connected App Name : Hawksearch Client
    API Name :  Hawksearch_ClientContact
    Email :  <enter_your_email_address_here>
    Enable OAuth Settings :  checked
    Callback URL :  http://localhost/callback

    Selected OAuth Scopes :  Access and manage your data (api) (or full access)

  3. This step takes a few minutes to complete.  You should receive an email once the setup is complete from salesforce

    Note the “Consumer Key” and “Consumer Secret” listed on the app screen below.


  4. The final piece of information you need is a security token. Navigate to the profile settings section (see below) and click on the “Reset My Security Token” (NOTE: It may take additional time until “Reset My Security Token” will become available after the previous step. If you do not see this option please wait a few minutes and refresh the screen again). Complete the instructions steps on this screen to obtain a security token. Once completed you will receive an email with “Security Token”.

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