Rest API Integration - Cloud Craze

Rest API Integration - Cloud Craze

Hawksearch requires product, attribute and hierarchy data to build a search index and power search functionality on storefronts and websites.

To extract the data from CloudCraze we are using the REST API CloudCraze provides to access the

  • Product list data

  • Category Data

  • Product Attribute Data

Once the app extracts data out of CloudCraze we build a search index that houses this data. Merchandisers, Marketers and developers can login to the Hawksearch dashboard to manipulate results order and scores using 

  • Boost/Bury Rules

  • Visibility Rules

  • Item Pinning

Merchandisers and marketers can also set up merchandising campaigns and banners from Hawksearch using various options available in the Hawksearch dashboard

  • Content Items

  • Spotlights

  • Campaigns

  • Redirect Rules

  • Landing Pages

To access the REST API, the app follows the steps below:

  1. Obtain the authorization token using Salesforce Rest API

    Using post request https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token to endpoint with grant_type =  password

  2. Use authorization token provided in step 1 token to get products and categories CloudCraze REST APIs.

  3. The APP uses the REST API fetch method of the CCProduct sObject to get product data

    NOTE: Product REST API details for creating the app referenced from the wiki link https://cloudcraze.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CCRZDOCS49S/pages/392169161/Product+REST+API

    POST /services/apexrest/ccrz/ccproduct/v8/fetch { "storefront": "DefaultStore", "LIMIT":           "200", "OFFSET":      "0", "ISPRICED":   true }


  4. The APP uses the fetch method of the cccategory object to access the category data

    NOTE: Category REST API details for accessing the category data for the App were referenced from the wiki link https://cloudcraze.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CCRZDOCS49S/pages/392005269/Category+REST+API

    POST /services/apexrest/ccrz/cccategory/v8/fetch { "SIZING": { "product": { "LIMIT":     "200", "OFFSET":            "0", "sz_data": "sz_s" } } }

    The App loads Product and category data in batches using LIMIT parameter. For example if you have 1000 products and LIMIT is set to 200, the APP will make five requests to fetch product data from the REST API call. The maximum number of records is currently set to 200 for optimal performance.  The limit can be changed from a parameter in the Hawksearch dashboard.


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