Facet Config

Facet Config


facetConfig is controlling the facet behavior.


  • Facets can be selected multiple times or only one at a time. The default behavior is multiple selections. If a facet needs to be a single option, the value in the Data field should be this: Example:

    {"_facetConfig": {"brand": "single", "color": "multiple", "size": "single"}}


  • if you have a landing page configured - place the facet config on the same level:

    {"CustomUrl": "...", "_facetConfig": {...}}



  • default value false

  • if true the collapsible facets will be collapsed when facets are displayed.


  • default value false

  • if true the facets will act like accordion. When one facet is expanded the others will collapse


  • default value false

  • if true the facets will collapse when the user clicks somewhere out of the facet area.