Disabling jQuery plugins
Disabling jQuery plugins
The hawksearch.js bundle comes with the set of jQuery plugins.
HawkSearch.loadPlugins = jQuery.extend({
jQueryUI: true,
slider: true,
wNumb: true,
matchHeights: true,
blockUI: true,
imagesLoaded: true,
jQueryCookie: true,
indexOf: true,
webUIPopover: true,
debounce: true,
slick: true,
numeric: true,
waitForImages: true,
alertify: true
}, HawkSearch.loadPlugins);
Depending on your store theme or custom implementations some plugins may be not needed or conflicted. And you can disable this plugins through the addition of some customisation to your store theme.
Update your theme layout with the following code:
<referenceContainer name="before.body.end">
<block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" name="hawksearch_proxyfooter_extended"
as="hawksearch_proxyfooter_extended" after="hawksearch_proxyfooter" template="Vendor_Module::hawksearch-footer-ext.phtml"
Contents of the hawksearch-footer-ext.phtml file
<script type="text/javascript">
HawkSearch.loadPlugins = HawkSearch.loadPlugins || {
imagesLoaded: false
In this example we are disabling the imagesLoaded