The Hawksearch engine can generate sitemap files for its Landing Pages. The process is described here: https://hawksearch.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HSKB/pages/327922/SEO+Impact
We provide the Sitemap Fetch Job in order to bring these generated sitemaps inside the Optimizely platform.
Go to CMS → Admin → Admin tab → Scheduled jobs → [Hawksearch] Sitemap Fetch Job.
After running the job, sitemaps can be found inside CMS → Media tab (right-pane menu) → Hawksearch folder → Sitemap. Each subfolder is language-specific and corresponds to the Hawksearch engine it was configured to point to. Subfolders contain all the XML files downloaded from Hawksearch.
This scheduled job does not generate new sitemaps. It only downloads the already generated sitemaps from all configured Hawksearch engines and displays them in Optimizely CMS.