-Index Variants Separately
Joyce Chu
Testing Flows
Testing Support
1- Useful links & tips
Hawksearch Dashboard - https://dev.hawksearch.net/preview.aspx
check fields: Boost → Explain → Info & Field Matches
add Price & Inventory fields per market: Workbench → Data Configuration → Fields
2- Documentation
3- Hawksearch credentials: https://dev.hawksearch.net/ (alungu / Mauritan#3 )
4- Notes
[CMS] Hawksearch does not differentiate between pages (content) and products (product) in the dashboard and that is why a CMS page shows up under “Top Product Match” when searching for it in Hawksearch dashboard.
Connector: Index Variants Separately
Opti setup: most common
Scenario(s) + steps | Full Indexing Status | Incremental Indexing Status | Notes | |
1 | Manual/Scheduled Run | Manual/ Scheduled Run | ||
2 | https://techromix.atlassian.net/browse/HC-44 Fields to check: SiteId | MetaTitle | Keywords | BackgroundImage | MainBody | Coordinates | Id | Name | StartPublish | StopPublish | IndexedOn | ContentLink | ParentLink | ItemType | Url | Id = ContentLink for the CMS pages | |||
3 | CMS - Standard & Location Item page types are indexed
| Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
4 | CMS - Other page types are NOT indexed
| Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
5 | NO CMS - Catalog only setup
| Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
6 | ||||
7 | Verify that the Category structure is sent to Hawksearch
| Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
8 | Edit the Category structure and verify it is updated in Hawksearch | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
9 | Delete categories and verify in Hawksearch that:
| Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
10 | Product-variant catalog structure
| Pass Fail | Pass Fail | (AL 11/18) Q: oare e vreun loc unde pot vedea ca variantul X este al produsului Y? @Bogdan Carcu (Unlicensed) inca nu, la asta lucram acum teoretic si o sa fie 3 optiuni in total:
11 | Variant-only catalog structure
| Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
12 | Indexed Fields for Product: from product: ID | Name | StartPublish | StopPublish | IndexedOn | ContentLink | ParentLink | ItemType | URL | Code | Category | CatalogId | DisplayName | Markets | Manufacturer | Model | ModelYear | Warranty | Brand | Department | OnSale | NewArrival | ProductStatus | Description | LongDescription | ImageUrl | ImageAlt | |||
13 | Verify the mentioned fields are sent to Hawksearch for each product | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
14 | Edit product information and verify that updates are sent to Hawksearch
| Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
15 | Delete product information and verify that it is also removed in Hawksearch | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
16 | Update Parent of product and verify the Category ID and Parent link is updated Test data/Input
| Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
17 | Product belongs to several categories
| Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
18 | Product belongs to several categories
| Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
19 | Update a product’s Primary category and verify the ParentLink is updated in Hawksearch | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
20 | [Full Index] Delete a product’s Primary category Input (tip: backup & restore DB)
Output: for product#1(under Primary category only): Optimizely → category is deleted, product is moved under catalog Hawksearch → product is no longer displayed for product#2(under Primary and secondary categories): Optimizely → product is moved under catalog root and has primary category empty Hawksearch → product is displayed with following updates:
| Pass Fail | N/A |
21 | [Incremental Index] Delete a product’s Primary category Input (tip: backup & restore DB)
Output: for product#1(under Primary category only): Optimizely → category is deleted, product is moved under catalog Hawksearch → product is no longer displayed for product#2(under Primary and secondary categories): Optimizely → product is moved under catalog root and has primary category empty Hawksearch → product is displayed with following updates:
| N/A | Pass Fail |
22 | Delete product and:
| Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
23 | Indexed Fields for Variant: ID | Name | StartPublish | StopPublish | IndexedOn | ContentLink | ParentLink | ItemType | URL | Code | Category | CatalogId | DisplayName | Markets | Color | Size | Sku | Mpn | Upc | MinQuantity | MaxQuantity | Weight | Description | ImageUrl | ImageAlt | Inventory_{WarehouseCode} | Price_{MarketId}_{Currency} | |||
24 | Verify variant indexing
| Pass Fail | Pass Fail | Dec 23, 2021 Variant: ASHBURY DRESS, 20 Inventory shows with 20 less that we have added in Optimizely. E.g. LA inventory is 490 in Opti, and 470 in Hawk @Bogdan Carcu (Unlicensed) Am I missing smth? |
25 | Edit variant level information and verify that updates are sent to Hawksearch
| Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
26 | Delete variant information and verify that it is also removed in Hawksearch | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
27 | Update Parent of a variant | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
28 | Delete variant and verify this is removed in Hawksearch | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
29 | https://techromix.atlassian.net/browse/HC-32 Fields to check: ID | Name | StartPublish | StopPublish | IndexedOn | ContentLink | ParentLink | ItemType | URL | Code | Category | CatalogId | DisplayName | Markets | |||
30 | Bundle level information is sent to Hawksearch Input/Test data:
Output: bundle fields are indexed for all bundles (see fields to check) edit bundle#1 information → updated fields are indexed (Images and other digital assets will be indexed as part of a product or variant) delete bundle #3 information → deleted information is no longer displayed in Hawksearch | Pass Fail | Pass Fail | (AL 11/18) Q: Pt bundles si packages nu trebuie sa apara undeva ce contin? @Bogdan Carcu (Unlicensed) o sa intre si ele in optiunile de mai sus, ca la Produs |
31 | Update Parent of a bundle and verify the Category ID and Parent link is updated Test data/Input
| Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
32 | Bundle belongs to several categories Test data:
Output: verify Parent link and Category ID fields in Hawksearch for bundle#1 & 2→ Parent link is displayed for the primary category & Category ID is sent for all the categories the bundle belongs to delete one secondary category for bundle #1→ verify the Category link is removed from the bundle in Hawksearch update bundle#2 Primary category → verify the ParentLink is updated in Hawksearch | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
33 | Delete a Bundle’s Primary category Input:
Output: bundle#1(under Primary category only): Optimizely → bundle is moved under catalog, category is deleted Hawksearch → bundle is no longer displayed on Dashboard/in search results bundle#2(under Primary and secondary categories): Optimizely → bundle is moved under catalog root Hawksearch → bundle is displayed with following updates: category vanishes from Dashboard/ does not appear in search resultsCategory ID is updated and contains all the secondary categories linked to the product in OptimizelyParentLink is updated to Catalog ID URL is updated with CatalogID | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
34 | Delete a bundle and verify this is removed in Hawksearch | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
35 | https://techromix.atlassian.net/browse/HC-33 https://techromix.atlassian.net/browse/HC-35 Fields to check: ID | Name | StartPublish | StopPublish | IndexedOn | ContentLink | ParentLink | ItemType | URL | Code | Category | CatalogId | DisplayName | Markets | Inventory_{WarehouseCode} | Price_{MarketId}_{Currency} | |||
36 | Package level information is sent to Hawksearch Input/Test data:
Output: package fields are indexed (see fields to check) edit package#1 information → updated fields are indexed (Images and other digital assets will be indexed as part of a product or variant) delete package #3 information → deleted information is no longer displayed in Hawksearch | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
37 | Update Parent of a package (kit) and verify the Category ID and Parent link is updated Test data/Input
| Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
38 | Delete a package (kit)’s Primary category Input(tip for testing: backup & restore DB):
Output: package#1(under Primary category only): Optimizely → Category is deleted, package is moved under the Catalog Hawksearch → package is no longer displayed on Dashboard/in search results package#2(under Primary and secondary categories): Optimizely → package is moved under catalog root Hawksearch → package is displayed with following updates: category vanishes from Dashboard/ does not appear in search resultsCategory ID is updated and contains all the secondary categories linked to the product in OptimizelyParentLink is updated to Catalog ID URL is updated with CatalogID as the package’s parent | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
39 | Delete a package and verify it is removed from Hawksearch | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
40 | https://techromix.atlassian.net/browse/HC-38 https://techromix.atlassian.net/browse/HC-39 | |||
41 | Product published on multiple markets in Optimizely Input:
Tests & Output: Verify the list of markets is sent to Hawksearch on product level(for any product) Inactivate UK market from product #2 → only Australia, Canada, Spain, USA markets are displayed Activate Sweden market for product#3 → Australia, Canada, Spain, UK, USA & Sweden markets are displayed in Hawksearch | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
42 | Variant published on multiple markets in Optimizely Tests & Output: Verify the list of markets is sent to Hawksearch on variant level(for any product) Inactivate UK market from variant #2 → only Australia, Canada, Spain, USA markets are displayed Activate Sweden market for variant #3 → Australia, Canada, Spain, UK, USA & Sweden markets are displayed in Hawksearch | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
43 | Bundle published on multiple markets in Optimizely Input:
Tests & Output: Verify list the list of markets is sent to Hawksearch on bundle level(for any bundle) Inactivate UK market from bundle #2 → only Australia, Canada, Spain, USA markets are displayed Activate Sweden market for bundle#3 → Australia, Canada, Spain, UK, USA & Sweden markets are displayed in Hawksearch | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
44 | Package (kit) published on multiple markets in Optimizely Input:
Tests & Output: Verify list the list of markets is sent to Hawksearch on kit level(for any kit) Inactivate UK market from kit #2 → only Australia, Canada, Spain, USA markets are displayed Activate Sweden market for kit#3 → Australia, Canada, Spain, UK, USA & Sweden markets are displayed in Hawksearch | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
45 | https://techromix.atlassian.net/browse/HC-40 https://techromix.atlassian.net/browse/HC-41 | |||
46 | Multi-language for products - product level information is sent for each language Input/Test data:
Tests & Output: English product level information is sent to Hawksearch English site: Display Name, Description, Long Description French Product level information is sent to Hawksearch Spanish site: Display Name, Description, Long Description Variant(s) information is sent to Hawksearch Spanish site: Size | Sku | Mpn | Upc are the same on both English and Spanish sites and Color & Description are language specific | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
47 | Multi-language for products Input/test data:
Tests & Output Product#1 created and published on English and NOT published on French → product is found on both English & Spanish sites in Hawksearch, BUT with no information on Spanish Edit product level information for product#2 on French → edited info is visible in Hawksearch on the Spanish site | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
48 | Multi-language for variants - variant level information is sent for each language Input/Test data:
Tests & Output: English product level information is sent to Hawksearch English site: Display Name, Description, Long Description French Product level information is sent to Hawksearch Spanish site: Display Name, Description, Long Description Variant(s) information is sent to Hawksearch Spanish site: Size | Sku | Mpn | Upc are the same on both English and Spanish sites and Color & Description are language specific | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
49 | Multi-language for variants Input/test data:
Tests & Output Variant#1 created and published on English and NOT published on French → variant is found on both English & Spanish sites in Hawksearch, BUT with no information on Spanish Edit variant level information for variant#2 on French → edited info is visible in Hawksearch on the Spanish site | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
50 | Multi-language bundles - bundle level information is sent for each language Input/Test data:
Tests & Output: English Bundle level information is sent to Hawksearch English site: Display Name Description, Long Description French Bundle level information is sent to Hawksearch Spanish site: Display Name Description, Long Description | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
51 | Multi-language bundles Input/Test data:
Tests & Output: Verify that Bundle#1 is found on both English & Spanish sites in Hawksearch, BUT with no information on Spanish Edit bundle#2 information on French → edited info is visible in Hawksearch on the Spanish site | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
52 | Multi-language packages - package level information is sent for each language Input/Test data:
Tests & Output: English Package level information is sent to Hawksearch English site: Display Name, Description, Long Description French Package level information is sent to Hawksearch Spanish site: Display Name, Description, Long Description | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
53 | Multi-language packages Input/Test data:
Tests & Output: Verify that package#1 is found on both English & Spanish sites in Hawksearch, BUT with no information on Spanish Edit package#2 information on French → edited info is visible in Hawksearch on the Spanish site | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
54 | https://techromix.atlassian.net/browse/HC-42https://techromix.atlassian.net/browse/HC-43 | |||
55 | Package (kit) with price on single market Input:
Tests & Output Verify price and currency are indexed for package 1&2 (boost-> explain) Edit price for kit#1→ The updated price is displayed in Hawksearch for the correct market/ currency Delete price for kit#2 → The price in Hawksearch is deleted and the updated field is empty | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
56 | Package (kit) with multi-currency prices Input:
Tests & Output Verify that each price and currency are indexed and displayed as separate fields for any package (boost-> explain) Edit price for Australia Market in package#1→ The updated price is displayed in Hawksearch for the correct market/ currency Delete price for Spain Market in package#2 → price is deleted from Hawksearch from the kit & prices from the other markets are not affected | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
57 | Variant with price on single market Tests & Output Verify price and currency are indexed for variants 1&2 (boost-> explain) Edit price for variant#1→ The updated price is displayed in Hawksearch for the correct market/ currency Delete price for variant#2 → The price in Hawksearch is deleted and the updated field is empty | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
58 | Variant with multi-currency prices Input:
Tests & Output Verify that each price and currency are indexed and displayed as separate fields for any variant (boost-> explain) Edit price for Australia Market in variant#1→ The updated price is displayed in Hawksearch for the correct market/ currency Delete price for Spain Market in variant#2 → price is deleted from Hawksearch from the kit & prices from the other markets are not affected | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
59 | https://techromix.atlassian.net/browse/HC-47 https://techromix.atlassian.net/browse/HC-48 | |||
60 | Package with inventory for single warehouse Input:
Tests & Output correct inventory is displayed for each package in Hawksearch remove the market for package#1 → market is deleted and the updated field is empty in Hawksearch price and inventory remain in Opti and are indexed in Hawsearch Delete the inventory for package#2 → inventory in Hawksearch is deleted and the updated field is empty | Pass Fail | Pass Fail | |
61 | Package with inventory in multiple warehouses Input:
Tests & Output inventory displayed in different line items on the package level in Hawksearch correct inventory is displayed for each warehouse remove Australia market for package#1 → market is deleted from Hawksearch from the package price and inventory remain in Opti and are indexed in Hawksearch the other warehouses are not affected delete inventory for package#2 in Australia market → inventory in Hawksearch is deleted and the updated field is empty | Pass Fail | Pass Fail | |
62 | Variant with inventory for single warehouse Tests & Output correct inventory is displayed for each package in Hawksearch remove the market for variant#1 → market is deleted and the updated field is empty in Hawksearch price and inventory remain in Opti and are indexed in Hawsearch Delete the inventory for variant#2 → inventory in Hawksearch is deleted and the updated field is empty | Pass Fail | Pass Fail | |
63 | Variant with inventory in multiple warehouses Input:
Tests & Output inventory displayed in different line items on the package level in Hawksearch correct inventory is displayed for each warehouse remove Australia market for variant#1 → market is deleted from Hawksearch from the package price and inventory remain in Opti and are indexed in Hawksearchthe other warehouses are not affected delete inventory for variant#2 → inventory in Hawksearch is deleted and the updated field is empty | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
Opti setup: “2 websites” variation
Scenario(s) + steps | Full Indexing Status | Incremental Indexing Status | Notes | |
1 | Manual Scheduled Run | Manual/ Scheduled Run | ||
2 | https://techromix.atlassian.net/browse/HC-36 Fields to check: SiteId | MetaTitle | Keywords | BackgroundImage | MainBody | Coordinates | Id | Name | StartPublish | StopPublish | IndexedOn | ContentLink | ParentLink | ItemType | Url | | |||
3 | CMS - Standard & Location Item page types are indexed Create a Standard page & a Location Item page for Site A → run the indexing job → verify that the SiteId is for Site A Update the page → run the indexing job → verify updates are available in Hawksearch Move the page from Site A to Site B → verify that the SiteId is updated for Site B Delete the page → run the indexing job → verify it is deleted in Hawksearch | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
4 | CMS - Other page types are NOT indexed
| Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
5 | NO CMS - Catalog only setup
| Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
6 | ||||
7 | Verify that the Category structure for each Catalog is sent to Hawksearch | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
8 | Edit the Category structure on Catalog A and verify it is updated in Hawksearch → The catalog structure in Site B is not affected | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
9 | Products / Bundles / Packages/ Variants |
10 | Edit in Catalog A:
Test Data/Input: Product + variant: LUCIEN COTTON TWILL COAT Package: LL Package 2Delete3 Bundle: LL Bundle Primary2delete | Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
11 | Delete categories from catalog B Output:
| Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
12 | Move from Site A to Site B:
| Pass Fail | Pass Fail |
13 | Delete products/ variants/ bundles / packages in Catalog B Test Data/Input: Product + variant: LL JADE HIGH BOOT Package: LL Package 2Delete5 Bundle: LL Bundle 2delete2 Output:
| Pass Fail | Pass Fail |