Downloading NuGet Packages for Hawksearch SDK and Sitefinity

Downloading NuGet Packages for Hawksearch SDK and Sitefinity


This guide provides instructions on how to download specific NuGet packages (Hawksearch.NET.SDK and Hawksearch.Sitefinity), both version 14.0.7700.43, using direct download URLs from the Hawksearch Developer Portal and extract the DLLs from the packages.


  • File extraction tool

Step 1: Download the NuGet Packages via URL

You can download the required NuGet packages directly using the following URLs:

  1. Hawksearch.NET.SDK:

  2. Hawksearch.Sitefinity:

Clicking on these URLs or action links will initiate the download of the .nupkg files directly to your local machine.

Step 2: Extract the DLLs from the Packages

After downloading the NuGet packages, you can extract the DLL files required for your project.

Manual Extraction

  1. Locate the downloaded files: The .nupkg files should be in your downloads folder or the specified directory you chose.

  2. Rename and extract the package:

    • Rename the file extension from .nupkg to .zip.

    • Extract the contents

  3. Find the DLLs:

    • Navigate to the lib directory within the extracted folder.

    This path contains the DLLs you need for both Hawksearch.NET.SDK and Hawksearch.Sitefinity.

Step 3: Add the DLLs to Your Project

Once you have the DLL files, you can add them to your .NET project:

  1. In Visual Studio, right-click on your project in the Solution Explorer.

  2. Select Add > Reference....

  3. Browse to the location where you extracted the DLLs.

  4. Select the DLLs and click OK to add them to your project.


You have successfully downloaded the Hawksearch.NET.SDK and Hawksearch.Sitefinity NuGet packages via direct URL, extracted the DLLs, and added them to your project. These steps will allow you to integrate Hawksearch functionality into your .NET application.

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