No results: Use Hawksearch content item and campaign

No results: Use Hawksearch content item and campaign

This Content item gets created automatically when we set up the engine and it can be modified as per requirements.

If the customer types in a search word that does not yield any results, you have an opportunity to communicate with them by adding relevant text messages, targeted ads, banners, and widgets using Hawksearch dashboard.

Example use case: Display a custom text message for no results search page.

Step 1: Set up a content item like below with the relevant text message.

Steps to add a Content Item: Content Items | ContentItems AddingaContentItem


Step 2: Set up a campaign that would define the trigger when the Content item created above should be returned in the response.

Steps to add a Campaign: Campaigns | Campaigns AddingaNewCampaign

Step 3: Please confirm that the Content item is being returned in the response for no results page.

Request: POST request to search keyword “abcdefg”:


POST /api/v2/search HTTP/1.1 Host: searchapi-dev.hawksearch.net Content-Type: application/json Cache-Control: no-cache Postman-Token: b1dc5ba6-9262-bc68-c48a-0a344afe5316 { "index":"elasticdemo.20210325.082034", "ClientGuid": "f12458r1c38446f0bacdf283390c37e8", "keyword":"abcdefg" }


Response: In the search results response structure, there are 2 main keys which include the information about the Content item/Campaign created above:

  • “Output” is the HTML content created in step 1 above which can be rendered on-site end as is.

  • Trigger” indicates the Campaign information and the rule being used to insert the content item in the response.


"Merchandising": { "Items": [ { "Zone": "Top", "Title": "No Results", "ContentType": "custom", "ForwardUrl": "", "Output": "<p><span style=\"background-color:#ffff00;\"></span></p><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"> - Please double check your spelling.</span><br style=\"font-size:14px;\" /><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"> - Try searching for an item that is less specific.</span><br style=\"font-size:14px;\" /><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"> - You can always narrow your search results later.</span><span style=\"background-color:#ffff00;\"><br /></span><p><span style=\"background-color:#ffff00;\"></span><span style=\"background-color:#ffff00;\"><br /></span><br /></p>", "IsMobile": false, "IsTrackingEnabled": false, "Target": "", "MobileWidth": 0, "MobileHeight": 0, "Trigger": { "BannerGroupId": 56308, "Name": "No result message ", "SortOrder": 0, "Rule": { "RuleType": 0, "Field": "", "Condition": "", "Value": "", "FieldType": "System.String", "Guid": "b50126cabd7a4d618cfda1c231f00a32", "ShouldEvaluateAfterSearch": false, "Operator": 0, "Rules": [ { "RuleType": 1, "Field": "nofresults:nofresults", "Condition": "equals", "Value": "0", "FieldType": "nofresults", "FieldName": "Number of Results", "FieldValue": "0", "Guid": "47e68cd2234b41548636b02b039b1f5f", "ShouldEvaluateAfterSearch": false, "Operator": 2, "Rules": [] } ] } }, "BannerId": 73460, "CampaignId": 56308 } ] }

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