Getting Started with Hawksearch ES

Getting Started with Hawksearch ES


  • Active HawkSearch account

  • Magento running on the server which has the following


Install via Composer

  1. Install composer packages

    composer require hawksearch/esindexing-magento-2 --no-update composer update hawksearch/esindexing-magento-2
  2. Setup the extension in Magento

    bin/magento module:enable --clear-static-content HawkSearch_Connector HawkSearch_EsIndexing bin/magento setup:upgrade bin/magento cache:flush


Hawksearch Account

Before Hawksearch can be used with Magento, a Hawksearch account is needed. Having the account, it’s possible to configure the Magento extension to work properly.

Contact your account manager at https://www.hawksearch.com/ and request for an account.

Magento Settings

To configure the Magento extension you need the following Hawksearch credentials:

  • Engine Name - this is the engine ID associated with your HawkSearch account.

  • API Key - it is used by the module to connect to HawkSearch Rest API.

  • Tracking Key - it is used to uniquely identify your account in the image pixel that is added to the order confirmation page on the site to track your customer interactions and orders data and reflect them in appropriate Hawksearch reports. Please use this article that will help you find your Tracking Key.

In the administration section of your Magento project, navigate to Stores > Configuration > HAWKSEARCH > Connection Settings and fill in the form with all the information required.
Specify Run Mode setting depending on the site environment. Read more in Domains and Environments documentation section

Tune-in Hawksearch Dashboard

Fields Configuration

Before you push Magento data to HawkSearch it requires some Fields to be created in Hawksearch Dashboard. There are several Default System Fields which are used to correctly identify documents in Hawksearch index as well as mandatory Products and Pages fields.


Enable Indexing in Indexing Settings and make your first data push to HawkSearch. To accomplish this run the following CLI command:

php bin/magento indexer:reindex hawksearch_products

Read in details about the indexing process.