Getting started

Getting started

In this article you will find:


The Sitefinity connector is distributed with several built-in libraries for managing the presentation of Hawksearch. Currently, the V4 version supports ReactJS and Vue.js powered templates which enable the front-end layer to have structured data integration and modern behavior, look and feel.

Each implementation has separate configuration and logic. Though most of the features are shared among them, the specifics of the framework architectures enables some distinct functionalities. At the current stage, extending and modifying the libraries implementation is partially limited, but key concepts distinctive to Sitefinity have been exposed and ready for configuring with various use cases.

Both front end libraries are loaded in the Hawksearch widgets. Which one is currently in use depends on the used template markup. Since the widget template include all the required structures, selecting the library is only a matter of editing the template file.


This document provides information on managing the front-end libraries in the connector.


Steps for switching between the libraries

  1. Find the selected widget template for either the box or the results widget. Initially - the one named <WidgetName>.Default.cshtml

  2. Both template structures should be included in the file, but one of them will be commented and the other - not. Comment the one you do not need and uncomment the desired one.

  3. Save, re-build and refresh the page.

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