Product Compare

Hawksearch can support the compare feature on the site. The compare feature is typically used to compare two results on a page.

Business Requirements

The compare feature is used to enable the process of making buying decisions for the consumer. It allows the website user review and compare products by various attributes and decide the product they would like to purchase.

Comparison can be based on attributes that a merchandiser selects in the Hawksearch dashboard.

API Documentation

Hawksearch Dashboard Setup

To set up the compare fields in the Hawksearch Dashboard please login to the dashboard and go to

Workbench → Data Configuration → Fields

You will notice the Use for Comparing setting. If you toggle it on the field will appear in the product compare table on the page.


UI Requirements

There are 3 major UI components to the compare implementation

  1. The compare checkbox under the result:- This allows the user to select the result they want to compare

  2. The compare bar under/above the product list page:- This shows the list of products that user has already selected for compare

  3. The compare details page table: - This shows the actual comparison table with the details of the attributes selected


Compare Details Page

Example 1:

Example 2:


Compare Checkbox and Compare Bar on the Results Listing Page:-

Example 1:

Example 2: