
 In this article you will find: 

Campaigns Video Tutorial


Campaigns allow you to add the content created in the Content Items section, designate where that content should display, and what will trigger the content to display. You can also set specific dates for each item. Setting up multiple items with different weights will effect the display frequency. 

Campaign Administration Page

1) To navigate to the Campaign administration page, click on the "Workbench" tab from the top navigation.  

2) Then, select "Merchandising" from the left navigation. Choose "Campaigns" from the subcategories. 

3) Once you see the "Campaigns Administration" home page, you will have the ability to search for existing campaigns. The first search is a keyword search of the campaign title. Type the name, or a key word, of the campaign into the "Name" field.

4) Another option is to search based on "Tags". Simply type in any tag that you've assigned to the desired campaign to view. 

5) You can also search based on the item zones listed in the "Zone" drop-down. This search allows you to view all existing campaigns that will fit into a particular slot, or zone, on the page. For a description of each zone, click the "Zones" tab at the top of the Administration page.

6) To help locate a specific Campaign by date, enter a "Start Date" and "End Date" that match the Content Items' dates.

7) After you have specified one or both criteria, click the "Search" button to generate a list of results.

8) To edit a campaign, click on the Pencil icon. To copy a campaign, click on the Paper icon. To delete a campaign, click on the Trash Can icon.

9) To change the order in which campaigns are applied, click on the double arrow next to the rule you would like to move and drag it to a new location on the list.

10) For bulk processing, use the check boxes to select individual items. To select or deselect all, use the check box at the top.

11) Use the "Actions" drop down for bulk processing once you have selected the desired items.

12) To create a new campaign, click on the "Add New Campaign" link.

Adding a New Campaign

Once you have arrived on the "Add Campaign" screen, you will see a form to complete in order to set up a new campaign.

1) First, enter a descriptive name for the campaign. This field should be used to help trigger your memory regarding the campaign details.

2) Next, specify where you would like the items associated with the campaign to display by selecting a zone from the "Content Item Zone" drop-down.

3) The next two fields define the size of the items that are eligible to display in the campaign based upon the zone that you have selected. They display the minimum and maximum values permitted for the width of the items that will be eligible to display in your new campaign. Keep these widths in mind when selecting content items for the campaign. 

4) Add any Tags that you want to be associated with your campaign in the "Tags" field. 

How to Include Content Items

1) Click the "Add" button under "Included Content Item(s)" to add items to the Campaign. A pop-up window will appear listing already existing Content Items.

2) Next, you can select the desired Content Items by either searching by Name or Display Type. 

3) You can switch the "Show Images" toggle to "On" to display the thumbnails for banners.

4) When you have found all Content Items to include, press "Add" to select.

5) When you are finished, select "Close" and a list of the items that will be included in the campaign will appear in the "Included Content Item(s)" section.

6) Next, specify the date and time range when the banners should appear. 

7) Then, provide a weight for each banner or spotlight. The weight of all included banners/ads should total 100. A higher number will increase the frequency that the banner will appear within the campaign.

Setting Up individual Display Trigger Conditions

Once you add the specifications for the banners, you will be prompted to set up the conditions that will trigger the display of the campaign. These conditions allow you to target customers actions and pair them with applicable promotions or products, encouraging them to participate in your online sales.

1) To set up triggers, determine if you want "ALL" conditions to be met in order for the banner to display, or if it is enough that "ANY" one of the conditions be met. Select your choice from the drop-down.

This tool allows you to create complex and nuanced conditions, if needed. You can set up several conditions with sub-conditions using the tools below. The detail of specification is entirely up to you!

2) In order to define the condition, you can start with any of the attributes that are stated in your data feed.

3) After you select a condition, you will be prompted to select an operator. These options change based on the condition that you select. Choose the one that most closely matches what you would like to do.Then, enter a value that the field applies to. 

4) Fill in the value that applies to the condition. As you type, auto-complete will offer suggestions to complete the condition, select the appropriate one.

5) To add additional sub-conditions to your first rule (such as another keyword), click the arrow located to the right of the condition fields. You may delete conditions or sub-conditions by clicking the minus sign to the right of the conditions.

6) To add an additional, independent condition, click the "Add Condition" button in the lower left-hand corner.

7) Once you have added all necessary conditions, click the "Save" button.


Clicking on "Save" will save your changes and return you to the main Campaigns Administration page. Check the list under "Campaign" and confirm that your new campaign appears. If you hover over the information icon, you will see the new display rule(s) listed. Hovering over the "?" icon will display the date the campaign was created and when it was last modified.


The "Content Item Zone Display" page allows developers and programmers the ability to see zones that have been defined for this application instance. 

Zones come pre-loaded with 5 layouts:

  • Zone 1 - Above Search ResultsBannerTopFeaturedTop 
  • Zone 2 - Above NavigationBannerLeftTopFeaturedLeftTop
  • Zone 3 - Under NavigationBannerLeftBottomFeaturedLeftBottom 
  • Zone 4 - Below Search ResultsBannerBottomFeaturedBottom 
  • Zone 5 - Below Search Results & Zone 4


1) To navigate to the Campaigns "Content Item Zone Display" page, click on the "Workbench" tab from the top navigation.  

2) Then, select "Merchandising" from the left navigation. Choose "Campaigns" from the subcategories.

3) Select the "Zones" tab at the top of the page.

4) You can edit an existing zone by selecting the green pencil icon to the left to it in the list. 

5) Select "Add Zone" to add a new zone.

1) Enter a Label for the Content Item.

2) Enter the zone where you would like for the item to be located. 

3) Enter the minimum width that you would like for the item to be.

4) Enter the maximum width that you would like for the item to be.

5) Hit "Save" to add the new zone.