Landing Pages

In this article you will find: 

Landing Pages Administration Page

1) To navigate to the Landing Pages Administration section, click on the "Workbench" tab in the top navigation.

2) Next, select "Merchandising" from the left navigation. Clicking on this button will bring you to subcategories, select "Landing Pages".

3) Once on the Landing Pages Administration home page, you will have the ability to perform a search by using different criteria. In the name field, type the name or keyword of the landing page.

4) You also have an option to search based on "Tags". Simply type in the tag that you've assigned to the desired Landing Page to view. 

5) Another option is to search based on the “Custom URL”.

6) You can also search based on the page type of the Landing Page, Product Listing or Content.

7) Search by status by selecting the desired status here.

8)  To view pages whose facets have been overridden from the defaults for the page, choose "Yes". The "Facet Override?" column in the displayed results will indicate if facets have been overridden or not.

9) After you have specified one or more search criterias, click the "Search" button to generate a list of results.

10) To export a list of Landing Pages, click on “Export”. This will generate a report that you can download.

11) The list of Landing Pages can be sorted by "Create Date" or "Modify Date".

12) To edit a Landing Page, click on the "pencil" icon. To copy a Landing Page, click on the "paper" icon. To delete a Landing Page, click on the "trash can" icon.

13) To create a new Landing Page, click on the "Add New Landing Page" link.

Adding a New Landing Page

This page will allow you to add or edit different Landing Pages. The Add/Edit Landing Page section is where you can customize the landing pages used in your site search. Start by giving the Landing Page a Name, Custom URL, and if necessary a Start Date/End Date. Then, specify what kind of results you want to see on the page and if there is any special sorting that should be applied these results. (i.e. sort by price, as opposed to relevancy.) 

General Section

1) First, enter a descriptive name for the Landing Page. The "Name" field allows you to provide a unique name & header title for your landing page.  Choose a name that you can easily associate with an item, brand, sale, or campaign.

2) Then, enter a name in "List Name" that will appear on the in the list of pages displayed on the Landing Page Administration page. 

3) The Custom URL field allows you to assign the URL requested from Hawksearch for this landing page. Please keep in mind that Hawksearch does not perform any URL re-writing so this is merely the URL requested from Hawksearch - NOT the URL customers would type into an address bar to reach this page.

4) The Breadcrumb field allows you to manually list out any navigational states you'd like to include in your Landing Page. A common example is to provide a link back to the home page, then any category or sub category.

Example: Home >> Cateogory >> Sub-Category >> Sub-Category 2

5) You can utilize the Custom Field for unique codes or notes that you don't want to be overwritten by anyone else on the team. This field can be set as Read Only through the Administrative Settings to prevent it from being modified.

6) Tags can be utilized by business users to quickly locate merchandising elements relating to themes or strategies. These labels can be searched using the "Tags" fields on the corresponding administration pages. 

7) If your team wants to put more internal comments about a Landing Page, they can do so with the Notes field. There is enough space to put as much detail as possible for your team to reference.


1) The "Title" field allows you to provide a unique SEO Title for your landing page.  Choose a title that you can easily associate with an item, brand, sale, or campaign.

2) The canonical URL is single URL that a search engine will use to identify the page. It consolidates the information on a single preferred URL.

3) The Meta Description should be a short concise summary of your website. This description is usually shown in conjunction with your Page Title in search engine results. Descriptive Meta Descriptions may help your site's pages rank higher in search engine.

4) Meta Keywords are short concise phrases or terms that best describe your website. It is important to put the most important words or phrases at the beginning of the list. Separate the words or phrases by commas, however spaces are not needed between commas and new words. Descriptive Meta Keywords may help your site's pages rank higher in search engines.


To further customize the page, expand the "Additional" section to provide a page heading and/or add custom HTML to the page.

  1. Page Heading will populate the H1 Heading. 
  2. Custom HTML will be sent in the Hawk response to be used on the Front End as needed. 

Landing Page Types

There are two different Landing Page Types; Product Listing and Content Page. Product Listing Landing Page are used for brand or category pages. Content Landing Page have no products but can be used used for merchandising or articles.  

Creating a Product Listing Landing Page

If you choose "Product Listing", two additional sections will appear: "Select Items to Display" and "Facet Configuration."

Selecting Items to Display

1) First, choose how to sort items by. Use the drop down to see all options.

2) To set the parameters for the condition, start by selecting whether ANY or ALL conditions will need to apply in order for the items to display.

3) Then, choose the field that will trigger the items displayed. Once you select a field, you will be prompted to choose an operator from the provided options based on the selected field. Choose one of these operators from the drop-down. Finally, enter the keyword or value that will trigger the items. To create a rule using a null value, use "{{empty}}" in the value field.

4) You can delete a condition by clicking the minus sign to the right of the condition. You can add a sub-condition by clicking the arrow to the right of the condition.

5) Additionally, you can add an independent condition by clicking the "Add Condition" button in the lower left-hand corner. 

Facet Configuration

1) “Overriding the Default Facets” allows you control what left hand navigation options are presented on your landing pages. It can simplify the facets so that only the most appropriate choices are available to customers on your custom landing page. Switching this option to “Off” will return the normal left hand navigation for the items being returned in the search results/landing page. 

2) Next, specify whether you would like to “Enable facet automate ordering” by using the radio button.

3) Now, add each facet individually by selecting the facet and pressing “Add”.

4)  To edit a facet, click on the pencil icon. To delete a facet, click on the trash can icon. To change the order of how the facets appear, click on the double arrow next to the facet you would like to move and drag it to a new location on the list. The order in which the facets are listed corresponds to the order that the facets will appear on the Landing Page.

5) Lastly, use the drop down to choose how the facet is sorted by.

Save and Confirm the addition of the Product Listing Landing Page

1) Once you have all the changes for your Product Listing Landing Page, you will now need to save the Landing Page.

2) Additionally, if you would like to view the Landing Page, press the “Save and Preview” button.

3) If you would like not save any changes made, press “Cancel”.

4) On the Landing Pages Administration Page, you can now view your newly created or updated Landing Page. Mousing over the "Eye" icon will let you view your Landing Page. Mousing over the “Information” icon will   display rule/s for the items to display. Mousing over the "?" icon will display the date the rule was created and when it was last modified. 

Creating a Content Landing Page

When creating a Content Landing Page, you have the option to list products and/or facets in addition to the content. When creating or editing a content landing page, the flag for products to appear on the page will allow you to specify the products to include on a page. These products will drive what facets can be displayed on the page. The facets can also be overridden just as they can be on a product listing landing page.

When the page is requested from the front-end, all components will be returned (content, facets and products). The front-end can hold the logic to drive what pieces are displayed. For example, upon first rendering the page, the requirement may be to see the facets on the left and content in the main section; then when a facet is selected, the content in the main section is replaced by a list of products.

Landing pages typically come with 5 preloaded layouts:

  • 4 Example Zones
  • 3 Images (Top), 1 Zone (Bottome)
  • Top, Title & Bottom
  • Content Landing Page
  • Three Column Layout

When creating a Content Landing Page, you will have several choices for layouts for the Landing Page. It is not necessary to use all the sections but you will have 3 choices for each section as to what to display.

  • Image - lets you upload an image for the Landing Page
  • Custom HTML - lets you input HTML text or plain text
  • Widget - lets you choose from widgets that you have created already

This provides the ability to create simple, content driven pages using banner images or category images. Organizations with developer-savvy resources can coordinate with their Hawksearch administrators to create their own layout templates.

Content Configuration

 Three Images, One Zone

4 Example Zones


Content Landing Page

Three Column Layout

Top, Title, Bottom 



Add New Content Item

General Tab

Select the "+Add New Content Item" button to create a new item for your layout.

1) First, add the name of the item in the "Name" field.

2) Next, select whether the new item will include a new image, a custom file or a widget. The majority of items will use the "Image" option.

3) When you select the "Image" option, the dimensions will default to the dimensions used in the uploaded image. These will appear after the file has been uploaded.

4) In order to select an image from your hard drive, click the "Select file..." link to trigger your computer's file manager (see example below). Select your file.

5) Add the alt tag that you would like to have appear when someone mouses over the image. This is text that a search engine can detect, so you may want to include any text that appears in your image in the alt tag.

6) If you would like the item to navigate to a specific page, you can include the forwarding address in this field.

7) The target field is only needed if you add a Forward URL. It allows you to choose whether the forward URL should open in the same window, or if it should open up in a new window.

8) Next, determine whether this item will be "Mobile" by using the toggle. 

9) Content can be created within the Content section of the Workbench. Content can also be created when editing or adding a Content Landing Page. To save the content created within a landing page in the content repository choose "Create Content Item and Add". To simply add it to the page and not save it in the repository, choose "Add". 


Trigger Tab

When setting up an item to display, a trigger can be used to determine the conditions for which piece of content will display. This tool allows you to create complex and nuanced conditions, if needed. You can set up several conditions with sub-conditions using the tools below. The detail of specification is entirely up to you.

1) To set up triggers, determine if you want "ALL" conditions to be met in order for the banner to display, or if it is enough that "ANY" one of the conditions be met. Select your choice from the drop-down. 

2) To add a new condition, click on "[+] Add Condition".

3) In order to define the condition, you can start with any of the attributes that are stated in your data feed. After you select a condition, you will be prompted to select an operator. These options change based on the condition that you select. Choose the one that most closely matches what you would like to do. 

4) Fill in the value that applies to the condition. As you type, autocomplete will offer suggestions to complete the condition. Select the appropriate one.

5) To add additional sub-conditions to your first rule (such as another keyword), click the arrow located to the right of the condition fields. You may delete conditions or sub-conditions by clicking the minus sign to the right of the conditions. To add an additional, independent condition, click the "[+]Add Condition" button reference in step 2.

6) Content can be created within the Content section of the Workbench. Content can also be created when editing or adding a Content Landing Page. To save the content created within a landing page in the content repository choose "Create Content Item and Add". To simply add it to the page and not save it in the repository, choose "Add". 

Add Existing Content Item

To add an existing content item, you can scroll through the displayed list or search for it within the list.

1) To search for an existing content item by name, enter the name into the "Name" field.

2) To search for an existing content item by the display type, choose the display type from the dropdown box. You can choose from "Custom", "Featured", "Image" or "Widget".

3) To search using previously entered tags, enter them in the "Tags" text box.

4) Once you have entered your preferred parameters, hit the "Search" button to display your search results.

5) To show images in your item list, move the slider to "ON". 

6) Once you have found the existing content item that you would like to add, select the "+Add" button next to it.

7) After you have added all of the items you need, select "Close" to return to the main screen.

Save and Confirm the addition of a Content Landing Page

1) Once you have all the changes for your Content Landing Page, you will now need to save the Landing Page.

2) Additionally, if you would like to view the Landing Page, press the “Save and Preview” button.

3) If you would like not save any changes made, press “Cancel”.

4) On the Landing Pages Administration Page, you can now view your newly created or updated Landing Page. Mousing over the "Eye" icon will let you view your Landing Page. Mousing over the “Information” icon will   display rule/s for the items to display. Mousing over the "?" icon will display the date the rule was created and when it was last modified.