Conditional Visitor Targets

In this article you will find: 


Using Visitor Targets with Conditional Rules Video Tutorial

Using Visitor Targets with Conditional Sorting Rules 

Visitor Targets allow you to group traffic by various characteristics, such as browser type and region. Once created, you can add the targets as specified conditions to any conditional sorting rule. This guide will show you how to specify visitor target conditions to trigger the sorting rules that you select. 

Navigating to the Boost & Bury Rules Administration Page

1) In order to navigate to the Conditional Rules / Boost & Bury Administration page, click on the "Workbench" tab in the top navigation.

2) Then, select the "Merchandising" button in the left navigation. Choose "Boost & Bury Rules" from the subcategories.

3) From there, you can navigate to the "Conditional Boost & Bury Rules Administration" page by clicking on "Conditional Rules", or by selecting "Add/Edit Conditional Rules" below.


Editing a Boost Trigger Rule to Add a Visitor Target

To add or change a visitor target as a condition, click on the pencil icon next to the rule you would like to edit. You may also select "Add Rule" to write a new rule. 

Adding a Condition to the Boost Trigger Rule

When you arrive to the Edit Boost & Bury Rule page, scroll down to the "Define Boost Trigger" section and click the "Add Condition" button.

1) Decide whether you would like to "Stop Further Rules Processing" by turning the radio switch "on" or "off".  When switched to "on" any time the created rule applies, rules listed below the new rule on the Administration page will no longer apply.

2) Next, select "Any" or "All" from the drop-down.  If you select "Any" from the drop-down, then each condition will be treated independently when determining the rule. If you select "All" from the drop-down, then each selected condition must be met in order for the rule to apply.

3) Then, click on the "Add Condition" button in order to start building your condition.

Defining the Boost Trigger

1) Next, click on the condition type drop-down. You should see "Visitor Target"  displayed in your list of options. Click on it to select it.  

2) Once you select the condition type, you will be asked to choose from a list of operators. An operator defines how the condition type should be treated once it has been detected. Typically, you will choose whether to include or exclude the type detected from the condition. For example, if your condition specifies a visitor target in relation to a state, then the operator will indicate whether traffic from that state will ("is") or will not ("is not") trigger the rule.

3) Finally, type the name of your previously created visitor target into the text box. As you type, matching names should appear below the box. Click on the one that corresponds with the Visitor Target you want to select.

4) After you have defined these three components, you should be able to confirm the addition of your visitor target. Review this section before you save the changes to the Conditional Rule. Finally, click the "Save" button to save the new visitor target condition.

Confirming the Addition of the Visitor Target Condition

Once you have saved the condition, you will be returned to the "Conditional Boost & Bury Rule Administration" home page. Mousing over the first information icon will display the condition rule for the items to be boosted/buried. The second information icon will display what triggers the boost.  Mousing over the "?" icon will display the date the rule was created and when it was last modified.Â