Product Spotlighting

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Product Spotlighting Video Tutorial

Product Spotlighting

The Product Spotlighting Administration section will allow you create Product Spotlighting that can be displayed throughout different areas of the search page. Product Spotlighting will allow you to highlight products based on a set criteria. 


Navigating the Product Spotlighting Administration Home Page

1) To navigate to the Product Spotlighting Administration section, click on "Workbench" from the top navigation.

2) Next, select "Merchandising" from the left navigation and select "Product Spotlighting" from the subcategories. This link will take you to the "Product Spotlighting Administration" home page. Here, you can search for existing Product Spotlights, or add a new one.

3) Search for an existing Product Spotlight by name by typing a keyword into the "Name" field.

4) Search for Tags by typing a tag that you've applied to the Product Spotlight into the "Tags" field.

5) Search by the Publish Date by entering dates in the "From" and "To" fields.

6) After you have input your search fields, click the "Search" button to generate a list of results matching your search criteria.

7) You also have the option to control how the list of product spolights is displayed using the "Sort by" drop-down menu. The options include: "Name", "Type", and "Publish Date" in ascending or descending order. 

8) If you would like to edit or delete one of the Product Spotlights, click on the paper/pencil icon or the trash can icon.

9) For bulk processing, use the check boxes to select individual items. To select or deselect all, use the check box at the top.

10) Use the "Actions" drop down to bulk process all the selected items.

11) Finally, if you would like to add a new Product Spotlight, click on the the "Add Product Spotlight" link. 


Add Product Spotlight 

This page will allow you to add or edit different Product Spotlighting that can be displayed across your search page. You can create a Product Spotlighting image, custom Product Spotlighting (using HTML), or you can have featured items display as a Content Item. At the bottom of the page, you can also see what campaigns are associated with that specific Product Spotlighting.

Adding a Name and Tags to your Product Spotlight

1) When adding a Product Spotlight, first give your Product Spotlight a name by entering it into the "Name Field."

2) Next, add the tag/tags in the "Tags" field.

3) To select a campaign to associate with the Product Spotlighting, click on "Add" button and select a campaign or campaigns from the list. 

Once you complete these two basic fields, you will need to define the definitions under which the Product Spotlight will be applied. 

Adding a Campaign to Associate with the Product Spotlighting

Selecting Items to Spotlight

4) First, choose how many items you would like to display in your Product Spotlight. Ideally you would like to spotlight 1, 4, or 8 items to display.

5) Next, choose a Title that you would like to associate with this Product Spotlight.

6) Choose how you would like for the items to be sorted.

7) The "Dynamic" toggle will allow you to choose whether the Product Spotlight is dynamic. When "Dynamic" is turned  to "ON", the items will update the product based on user actions.

8) When creating a new condition, you will be asked to specify certain situations that will trigger the Product Spotlight. First, you will have to select whether Any or All conditions must apply. If you select "Any" from the drop-down, then each condition will be treated independently. If someone satisfies even one of the conditions, the Product Spotlight will be triggered. If you select "All" from the drop-down, then each condition must be met in order to trigger the Product Spotlight.

9) Then, choose the condition that will trigger the Product Spotlight. The conditions are created from the facets you have previously set up.

10) Once you select a field, you will be prompted to choose an operator that provides options. Choose one of these operators from the drop-down.

11) Choose the value that will trigger the condition. 

12) You can add a sub-condition by clicking the arrow next to the rule. This will cause an "Add Condition" button to appear within the sub-condition window. To add an additional sub-condition, click on this button.

13) You can also add additional conditions by clicking on the "Add Condition" button. The complexity of the Product Spotlight is flexible and designed to handle as many conditions and sub-conditions as you need.

14) After you click the "Calculate & Show Matches" button, you will see a pop-up window that displays all of the items affected by the new rule.

15) Select "Save" to save your chances and add the new Product Spotlight.

Confirming the Addition of the Product Spotlight

After you save the rule, you should now be able to confirm it by finding it on the Product Spotlighting Administration page.